Regular ol' loop on a regular ol' morning, except that it is freezing cold! UGGGHH! Where is the heat? It's only August :( Garmin must not have been put away correctly yesterday, because it was dead this morning, so I have no pace to give. However, I felt pretty good on the run. Did a few fartleks on my mile flat stretch. I'd do two lamp post sprints, rest one. I've got the endurance back in my legs, I now need to work on the speed. Felt strong on the hills, stronger than normal, but not fast. When I would feel my pace slowing I'd make a mental note and pick it up again. I'd like to say I was pulling around 9:20's on the hills, but who knows. It is about effort anyway, right? Off to body-sculpt for my resistance and then I'll hit a few more on the TM at the gym. ***Got locked out at the gym. The scanner thing to open the door had fallen and the whole gaggle of us were waiting outside (and I guess some had been for over an hour) to have someone come open the door with keys. At least I wasn't late to class like I usually am :) Class was good, and we just went a little longer to complete the full hour after we got inside. I hit the TM and decided to try a bit of speed work to switch things up a bit. However, as I got going I felt good about the paces and kept pushing the pace and length of the speed work, and sped up the pace of my recovery time. So here is what I did in my extra 30 Minutes: 5 min @ 9:30mm 2 min @ 8:00mm 5 min @ 9:22mm 3 min @ 7:53mm 5 min @ 9:13mm 4 min @ 7:47mm 4 min @ 9:05mm 2 min @ 7:30mm This gave me a total of 3.5 miles for the 30 minutes which becomes an AP: 8:35 - not too shabby. The best thing was I felt good on the speedier parts. My breathing was under control and the minutes went by quickly. I think my legs just need to learn to feel speed again. I've gotten so used to listening to and not pushing my body (pregnancy forces you to), that my legs and body have just really forgotten what that extra gear is like. This gave me a bit of confidence for Onion Days, I'm still not sure I'll hit the paces and time I'd like, but it won't be as bad as I've thought it would be. ***