I've been a bad blogger lately! I haven't been around enough to check on all your blogs, so I apologize. Thanks for supporting me and checking on me anyway. I hope to get out and make the rounds on blogs today...so make it a good one for me! :) Nice run this morning, the shins felt better - not cured, but SO much better than yesterday. I opted for my 6 mile, more uphill miles, route instead of my planned 7 that does the first 3.5 downhill. Sore quads from 5 miles of hiking downhill from the tram at Snowbird. I seriously don't know how you trail runners do it! I'll stay snails pace on the trails for now :) I'm going to baby these shins again today and do the scraping/massage tonight again (it seems to help the most!) and then take Friday completely off running to rest for my 15 on Saturday. I think I need some running company. Everyone I see out running I think I recognize...I thought I saw an old friend from HS today, but nope just wishful thinking :) I also picked out Teena, Kelli, Barnes and Julie from the gym. None of them were really them, I tell ya...I must be going crazy, or am just really lonely. Anyone up for a 15 on Saturday? I'd appreciate some company so I don't imagine I'm chasing you all during the run anyway :)
AP: 9:02 splits: 9:41, 8:37, 8:51, 8:47, 9:20 (my hill of death - so proud I kept it under 9:30! and kind of by accident as well), 9:04, 8:30 (last .2) **Boot camp class kicked my hiney today! we ran 3 repeats of our .2 loop in the back of the gym, so I did 2 more at the end to round out an extra mile. The last one with the class I was sprinting (practice for my race with KP), then the last 2 I'd sprint down, then recover back. Good little shot of speed work**