Wow, what a good week of running, sleeping and eating can do for you! I did have to fight the sleep demons this morning, but I knew I was babysitting and wouldn't be able to hit the gym for step class, so I got up and out. Did my same 7 mile loop, but added an extra one around the 'hood last minute. My goal was to work on Walter's pointers on my form (shorter stride, not reaching so far forward with the feet especially uphill) and my kick-back and elbows back. It all seemed to go really well. 1st mile was warm-up then I kicked it in. I also didn't want my uphill mile to go over 9, which I almost did. I was at 9:02, still better than the 10:03 and 9:40 from the last 2 times I've run this loop. It was also nice to have some miles under 8! Form was easy, but I found myself kicking forward when I was tired. I think it will really help if I can get it to be 'normal'! I would run 'tall puppet' with my eyes on the horizon instead of the road, then if I could see my feet kick forward I knew I needed to change form. It worked well, thanks Walter!! AP:8:30 splits: 9:27, 7:49, 7:52, 8:24, 8:55, 9:02, 8:26, 8:06 Still looking for a PC Marathon entry if anyone knows of one out there....