Slept the weekend away...well, Sunday anyway! Nap after nap and doing nothing - too bad I ate like crazy! I was thinking I should change my blog title to "I'm not hungry...I'm just bored" :) Went to step class this morning and it was a good one! At one point I looked down at my bench and there were like 4 or 5 sweat drops all over :) It certainly kept me moving! I wanted to run a bit; however, I wanted to read and stay OFF the TM as well (shins are acting up again - dang tight calves!). So, I went to the alley behind the gym and did our .2 loop 5X with a neighbor to get a mile in. Easy pace, I'd say under a 10mm, but not a 9mm. Then I did the elliptical for 20 min while I read my book - it's due Wednesday, I've GOT to get it read! I think it was 1 mile @ L6. Then I grabbed Nathan from daycare and ran the alley loop a few more times to get 2 miles in. He had fun playing on the grass and watering the trees with my water bottle :) Again, a good 9:30mm or so pace - no garmin, just miles. I feel good after Ogden - yesterday I didn't, I was tired and so was my body! Today though I feel good. I even came home and hit the yard work. Tomatoes & peppers planted (again), weeds all pulled/killed, planters out front planted and some plants my mom brought me from her yard planted as well. Now to tackle the INSIDE house work....