Morning run, windy, temp 30-34'
I took a vacation from healthy eating and quality exercise the last week of vacation at Disneyland. Donuts, candy, hamburgers, fries and about 3000 calories of peanut M&Ms probably are not good for jogging.
I woke up with a light headache and not much desire to go out into the winter weather. Luckily the 8 min. man came along to taunt me. The first six miles are up grade and the next two miles are level then 5.5 miles back down to home. After one mile 8 was ahead, after two I was up but then he took over as the up grade plus wind held me back. At mile six 8 was over a minute ahead and I thought I was pushing hard. To many M&M's. Luckily the rest of the way was back home and not against the wind. I over took 8 just after mile nine and didn't have to worry about him again.
Time 1:48:02, Mile avg. - 7:55 |