The SGM does a pretty good job. I got a ride over to the Bus loading area with the wonderful Tom & Kim Lee. I met up with my Neighborhood friends Bill, Lisa, Dennilynne, Mike and Becky. I even saw my Brother-in-Laws sister Maria Weller.
The only problem with the SGM this year was the starting line. They need to put estimated mile pace markers and space them out or something because there are always many many people that crowd in the gate before I get there that are much slower than me. I had to weave my way through people for the first two miles.
Miles 1-7. I ran these miles at a good pace. Very close to my 2:59 a couple of years ago but the difference this year was I didn’t have to look at my Garmin and realize I was going faster than planned and keep slowing it down. I could tell I didn’t come this year with the same energy. It also seemed very warm at the start. 50+ degrees. I was sweating after ther first mile.
Miles 8-13. I was enjoying the race but with less energy than I’d hoped. I was happy I was getting it done but was hoping for more zip and pep.
Miles 14-17. Started to feel a little better. I cautiously put in a few good miles without pushing it to hard.
Miles 18-23. At mile 18 my left leg started to tighten up a bit, the precursor to cramping. Dag it. I slowed down and it went away. I then kept the pace a little slower than I’d like but still respectable for the old man.
Miles 24-26.2. I picked up the pace at 24 for a bit but my leg grabbed again and I had to slow it back down. I tried to see if I could put some faster miles in near the end but my legs like to cramp up so I kept it steady and was able to finish good.
I got 12 out of 310 in my age division and came in 249th place out of 5465 finishers.
