Am - 3 miles hiking out. Good trip, I'm excited for when our scout troop goes to the Sierra Nevadas next month, it will be fun. It'll be my second time up mt Whitney.
Later 3 miles hiking upper calf creek.
Pm - got home around 3. I wanted to go running right then, but it was 111 so I waited a while till 6:30. Temp outside was still high, 105, but it felt really dope to be honest. I ran past green springs golf course, then down into a creek bed which I ran up for 15mins, then back home. Running in the dried up creek bed was so sick, it was really technical with tons of rocks like a foot big. Really had to stay focused 100 percent. 6 miles total, saw some snakes. Rad. Tendonitis in left leg bugged me after.