Member Since:
Jun 14, 2008
Goal Type:
Running Accomplishments:
I've finished a couple of races here and there...
Short-Term Running Goals:
Maybe one day I'll be enough of a runner to run a race.
maybe not...
Long-Term Running Goals:
My ultimate long term goal is to die young as late as possible...
Rule #1: Cardio - Zombies lead a very active lifestyle, so should you.
Favorite Blogs:
finally got to run the Mississippi 50 trail run. A fun race, to be sure, with all kinds of shoe-sucking mud and fun people... Even my Darling Little Sister came out to watch...
Delano 12... Another fun year...
just a systems check after two ultra weekends back to back... a few little aches and pains, but should be back to full speed soon...
solid pace, perfect weather... one of those rare perfect condition days
a minute faster than last year... and still got beaten... fun race
eight for being irish...