| Location: WA, Member Since: Feb 10, 2007 Gender: Male Goal Type: Local Elite Running Accomplishments: I was an 800/1500 runner in high school and college, with PRs of 1:55 and 4:08. I've run as fast as 16:15 for 5k and 1:20 for a half, but my bests in recent years are 17:07 5k (Dec. '11), 37:40 10k (Jan. '12), 1:23:49 half (Sept. '08), 2:53:12 marathon (September '10), and 4:45:06 50k (March '10). Short-Term Running Goals: Late 2015/2016 races:
— Seattle Soltice 10k (Dec. 19)
— Nookachamps half marathon (Jan. 16)
— Toyko Marathon (Feb. 28) Personal: I'm an editor at a newspaper in Bremerton, Washington and head coach of the Bremerton Jaguars youth track and field team. |
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Miles: | This week: | 0.00 |
Month: | 0.00 |
Year: | 0.00 |
| | The annual Slug Club run and breakfast assembly began at Manchester Library. We took a photo with a beautiful winter sunrise as backdrop, and those of us not resting (half the club ran either a marathon or half marathon yesterday) went for a run. Mike and I ran with Don Feldman, who set a far too aggressive pace (particularly for a guy who's only been back running for a month). We ran to the state park, left Don behind and took a wrong turn for a loop through the campground, then ran back into Don and took the correct path to the waterfront. Then we hustled back to Manchester, pushing the pace a bit on the last mile (no watches). It was pretty cold, maybe we just wanted to be done. Then breakfast up at Doug's house. Now it's time to start thinking about 2013. Last night I was talked into the Nookachamps run, which I was on the fence about because I'm just not in shape yet. So I'll head north in two weeks for the 10k to start my year. Bloomsday is on the schedule again, and this year the Windermere Marathon in Spokane in May. Chuckanut is a maybe (need to decide by Friday), and then another trail ultra this summer (possibly Crow Pass again, if the timing works, otherwise I'll be on the lookout). Most important will simply be to keep running and stay healthy, and to get my lazy butt going again. The sun today helps. | |
| | Illahee Preserve with Mike before dawn. Pretty dark in there, so the pace was slow. Then some other friends showed up when we finished and we did trail maintenance for a few hours. 50:42 cascadia V | |
| | Out and back for 30 minutes on the Burke-Gilman Trail. supernova sequence |
| | Y treadmill after work, 7:47 pace. supernova sequence |
| | Illahee State Park, down to the dock and back home. I need to remember the hill climb, I was gassed on the way back up. Can't have that for the 50k in March. I'll need to be back here a few times before then. 47:13 supernova sequence |
| | Evergreen Park with Mike on a cold morning. Up the bridge to Lions Park, then through Stevenson Canyon, back down by Harrison and across the Manette Bridge. 55:00 supernova sequence |
| |
Warren-Manette bridges loop on a cold morning (relatively speaking, that is, it's not like I'm in Arctic Utah these days). 40:02 If anyone is curious what this route looks like from ground level (and not prone to motion sickness), a guy at my work made a video: http://www.kitsapsun.com/videos/detail/bremertons-bridge-to-bridge-trail/ supernova sequence
| |
| | Manette Hills loop, nice and dry outside. 43:15 supernova sequence |
| | Y treadmill, with a few ups/downs thrown in to the run to keep it interesting. 39:30 supernova sequence |
| | I went to sunny California a few days before a work meeting began, visiting a friend and then doing some exploring. I drove to Santa Barbara and found a trail that would take me into the mountains above the city. I parked at a busy trailhead (holiday, or these rich people just don't work) and headed up the San Ysidra Trail. The first mile is moderate and crosses a creek a few times, though the water was low. Then I started a consistent climb (I'm guessing it was about 2,000 foot elevation gain, I turned just below the summit). I took one small detour after getting out of the woods, then found the correct trail again and really mountain goated up an exposed face. I was laboring (In-N-Out for lunch didn't help), but the views back over SB and up and down the Pacific Coast were stunning. We don't have that scenery here. After 40 minutes of climbing I turned and bombed back down, burning my quads in the process and getting some footwork practice in. Wonderful run on a sunny, 80-degree day. 1:07:00 supernova sequence |
| | At the work meeting on the Oxnard, Calif. waterfront, I met a fellow editor who is a 2:50 marathoner and training for Boston. So we met up before dawn for some miles. We just wound around the harbor, easily warming up and then letting our competitive instincts get the best of us. By mile 3 we were easily running sub-7s and telling running stories, and I don't think either of us wanted to be the guy to say "we should back off." So it was a good workout, and I was feeling the hill from Monday. We did a cool down jog on a beach trail, which was nice, then settled in for 8 hours of sitting in a meeting. The bad news is at the end of the meeting Mike told me that his ankle, which has been giving him problems, was aggravated during our run. So pushing it put him on the shelf the rest of the week, and I feel bad about that. supernova sequence |
| | Easy miles on my own because Mike took the day off, ran the other direction down the beach before breakfast. 32:20 supernova sequence |
| | Back in Bremerton, I slept in a bit and met Mike at Evergreen Park after the sun was up. Up the Warren Bridge, out to Tracyton boat launch, back through Eastpark to Perry Ave and then Manette. A little inconsistent with the pace, we ran as quickly as 7/min. but varied up to 7:30s. We both kind of struggled with that today for some reason. I am missing that SoCal sun already. 1:19:00 supernova sequence |
| | Easy run in Illahee Preserve. A little beat up from yesterday's 90 minutes of basketball after the run. 30:15 brooks cascadia |
| | 11th-Shore Drive loop. Left ankle was a little creaky as I got started and the left plantar, which bothers me from time to time lately, also felt sore. 36:16 supernova sequence |
| | Evening run at the Y and I sweated all over everything. It's been a really busy week and I can feel that I'm holding off a cold. Started at 8/min pace and worked down to 7:41. 46:20 supernova sequence |
| | Quick and peppy after-work run. I can't say it's spring, but the temp was over 50 and I actually left work before sunset, so it felt like an April run. Really pleasant to watch the sun set over the water, and my legs feel good as I prepare to finish the week off with a longer run tomorrow. 21:24 supernova sequence |
| | Similar to last Saturday's run, though a little warmer. Evergreen out to Tracyton boat launch, then back through Stephenson Canyon this time and over Sheridan Road's hill to Perry and back down through Manette. We cut it a bit short because Mike had to get his daughter to soccer. Then I went and played hoops for awhile at the Y. 1:25:00 (of running) supernova sequence |
| | Evening run at the Y. 8/min pace down to 7:24 progressively over 6 miles. Felt great. I deeply massaged my foot over the weekend and the arch/plantar hasn't bothered me since. Sometimes it flares up on the treadmill, but nothing tonight. 46:10 supernova sequence |
| | AM — Abbreviated version of the 11th-Shore Drive loop, four miles. 30:20 PM — Y treadmill @7:40 pace, five miles. |
| | Finally got out into the woods and hills. I skipped the Fishline 25k for a route with more elevation gain, I need more work on the hills. So it was Green Mountain early on on a Sunday morning, where I had the whole place to myself. Today was a gray, foggy Pacific Northwest winter day, and on the higher parts of Beaver Pond trail I had the image in my head of the Dagoba swamp where Yoda lives. Run not enough here, I do. I'm still not in great hill shape and felt a little fatigued on a few of the longer climbs, but I finished the run strong. That's a good sign for finally getting over 2 hours on my feet. Now to push that along in the coming weeks. 2:12:00 brooks cascadia 5
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| | A few easy recovery miles on the Y treadmill, I was feeling a little beat up from yesterday's run. Nothing hurt, just some hip soreness and tired muscles. 30:50 supernova sequence |
| | Y treadmill after work, 7:30 pace. Heavy legs, but that may have been the 12-hour workday talking. 38:00 supernova sequence |
| | Morning start on the Eastpark loop. Nothing fancy, but incredibly nice to actually see the sun at sunrise. 31:21 supernova sequence |
| | Beach Drive with Mike, the wind at the start eventually died off and the rain held, so a nice run overall. Didn't push too much. Everything feels healthy at the end of my heaviest week of the winter, which is a good sign. 1:29:30 supernova sequence |
| | Husky Stadium loop from Bryce and Bonnie's house, B-G trail to Montlake, down to boathouse and back by Dempsey/baseball field, then through the little arboretum. Cool, damp morning. The new UW track looks awesome, it's almost ready to open up. 36:00 supernova sequence |
| | Illahee State Park and back, cloudy, mild morning. Felt better climbing the hill up from the beach than a month ago, which is a good sign. 46:16 brooks cascadia |
| | This turned into a lousy week of running, and not that much better of a week overall. Too many late nights and early mornings at work, I'm burnt out right now. But I did sneak in a much needed four miles on the treadmill tonight, and did it with a new pair of shoes even. Amazing how a few miles can help your perspective. 31:00 glide 4 — 4 |
| | After a few stormy days, this morning was wonderfully calm and clear. I caught a good window to run. Mike is out of town, so I ran from home to Illahee State Park and down to the beach there, came back up the trail and then took Perry Avenue to Illahee Preserve. Did a big loop in that forest, then back. At about 50 minutes, when I was in the preserve, my right achilles tightened up. I stopped and stretched, but it stayed pretty tight. On Perry when I was returning, at maybe the 1:20 mark, it completely seized up. Different feeling than a cramp, it's more of a specific soreness right where the achilles and calf come together. I walked 50 yards, then slowed the pace down for the rest of the run and trimmed off about 2 miles so not to push too hard. 1:39:00 glide 4 -- 18 |
| | Rested yesterday to see how my calf would respond, and it's definitely not as sore as Saturday. Easy miles on the treadmill tonight seemed ok after the first one and things loosened up. Still a little tight afterward and after icing, so I'm going to be cautious. 31:45 supernova glide 4 -- 22 |
| | Treadmill run, but I cranked it up a bit each mile to get down to 7/min. pace by the end. supernova glide 4 -- 27 |
| | Treadmill run. Right calf is feeling fine again, great sign for the week. 39:10 supernova glide 4 -- 32 | |
| | Drove north to Whatcom County for my annual Chuckanut 50k tuneup, checking out both the course (decent shape) and my own fitness (let's say, not as decent as I'd prefer). After a mild winter the trails are in good shape for a race two weeks out, so we'll hope for no big rain/snow storms in the meantime. They've altered the descent to Cleator Road with a few extra switchbacks, which is nice, and Krissy changed part of the course so we descend from the ridge on trail rather than road, which is something that will be really nice. I broke the run up into chunks that I can hopefully use to guide me in two weeks. I started at Clayton Beach, ran back the Interurban to the trailhead to Fragrance Lake. Climbed with a few walk breaks to stay conservative to Fragrance, then ran strong and made it to Cleator Road in 39:13. Up Cleator in 30:56, again with two 2-minute walks at about 8 minutes and 15 minutes, which I've learned is about when things are steepest. From the Ridge, 38:37 to Lost Lake, actually felt pretty good when I'd get in a groove there. Hiked the steep inclines to keep it smart. Then on Lost Lake I ran into a girl who will be doing the race for the first time, she's an Idahoan out here training for the forest service. So we ran this portion together and that helped empty my head a bit a lose myself in a moderate pace. Made it up the hill feeling well, then she turned and I bombed down to the Chinscraper base. 45:08 for the section. I ran most of Chinscraper, but instead of cutting over through the viewpoint I turned and bombed back down to the parking lot. Probably cut 2 miles from the overall run because of that, but I was completely out of water and needed to get back. 21:28 for the last stretch, and I cramped just a touch as I stepped into the parking lot. 2:59:00 total. I enjoyed the run, cloudy and 55 or so, and the rain held off just long enough. I was beat up afterward, but not wrecked, so hopefully that's something to build on. No calf pain, so I'm out of the woods there. As far as previewing the race, I don't expect my fastest time, so I'll play it conservatively and echo this pace in two weeks, and see what happens. brooks cascadia V | |
| | Recovery run from Bryce and Bonnie's on my BG-Husky Stadium loop. A little more sore than usual, but no injuries or red flags from yesterday. 37:05 brooks cascadia V |
| | Y treadmill. Quads still a little sore from Saturday, but loosened up alright after 3 miles or so. 46:46 supernova glide |
| |
Met Mike at Evergreen-Rotary Park for our usual longer route out to Tracyton and back through Stevenson Canyon. After the canyon we headed over the Sheridan Hill and then went north to Illahee State Park, down to the beach and back to the park through Manette and Downtown. 1:58:00 supernova glide Felt the strongest up the hill at Illahee as I have in months, so at least I have that small taste of confidence. Other than that not a great week, my schedule unraveled on me and I missed two runs after 14-hour days (not all work, but still unplanned). Six days until Chuckanut, at least I'm healthy and after seeing a few other 50k runners Thursday I'm looking forward to heading up to Fairhaven.
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| | Light and easy at the Y after work. 31:00 supernova glide -- 56 |
| | Shore Drive quick loop; light, springy legs. 30:00 supernova glide |
| Race: |
Chuckanut 50k (31.1 Miles) 05:20:45, Place overall: 102 | | This year I ran my slowest time at Chuckanut, but it was in no way what I'd call my worst race. I wasn't trained nearly where I should have been, I knew it, and so I planned a race accordingly. I mentioned vague times to a few people, but by race morning I had one real goal: enjoy it and don't blow up. On the drive from Seattle to Fairhaven Jon and I were talking about other ultras and longer distances, and I had another thought that took hold as I left the starting line: If I can't finish this 50k without bonking or struggling in, how will I even run farther? So finishing strong and "managing" a good race became my mantra. The rain had stopped by the time we were at the parking lot/start, and it was actually a pleasant morning. Gray skies and 50 degrees, and several friends hanging around relaxed. Jon and I found bathrooms without long lines, jogged a bit to warm up, and got set to go. I talked with a friend out of the gate for a mile, then slowly picked it up along the Interurban Trail and tucked in with some Canadians. I consciously made an effort to *not* pass them, and that was smart. We hit the aid at 50:29, and since the revised start makes that stretch slightly over 10k (6.75 by the Canuck's Garmin), I wouldn't have wanted to be there any sooner. I passed a few people on the initial stretch to Fragrance Lake, but as soon as the course got steeper I again made the tactical choice to slow down. I sat behind a girl who was trading hiking/running, and just echoed what she was doing. I told myself it was making things simpler for me mentally, because I let her determine the pace. We stuck together, maybe one or two eventually passed us, and then at Fragrance I moved past her and hooked in with another small group to Cleator. I was feeling fine, but I knew that I've felt "fine" there before and didn't want to overdo. Ended up with a 43:14 split. I had planned my hike breaks on Cleator based on where it's steepest, and followed that plan (walked at 8 minutes for two minutes, again at 11 or so for a minute, and then one more of my choosing before one of the last three turns). I thought this worked well, and my time really wasn't that much slower than normal. I focused on fueling during this stretch, I may have taken two gels and I really tried to drain a whole handheld bottle. 31:19 to the Ridge, and as a misty rain started I felt ok. I took my time through the Ridge aid station and three people who I'd passed snuck by, but I let them and didn't think about it. I was trying to not worry about people around me, and focused on waiting for a strong finish. Incidentally, I wasn't paying attention at all to my time at this point. For once I wasn't doing mental calculations or predictions and adding unnecessary stress. The Ridge was fine, I ran with a guy who sounded like he would have been in pretty good shape. He followed me until the descent, then I stopped when he hit the gravel trail to tie a shoe and let him go (36:21 split), but caught him again on the climb out of Lost Lake. I probably was caught by four people on that uphill because that was also a stretch of increased walking. I was playing it very cautiously knowing Chinscraper was coming, and I had felt a twinge of a cramp. Even on the descent to Chinscraper's aid station I tried to hold off from letting go full bore by staying right on a guy's heels but no more (he and I ended up spending most of the last 10 trading back and forth, which was nice). I hit Chinscraper at 47:18 for the split, but more importantly, 3:28 overall. I had a potato here as well. Although 5 hours at that point was a real long-shot (though within range if things went ok down the hill), I knew that I'd stay until 5:30, which I could live with. I hiked CS with about five or six others in a pack, which is the first year I've walked that much. The guy ahead of me (Maksim, who I mentioned before) kept offering to let us pass, and we kept declining. I was firmly in the "don't screw it up here" mindset, and I'm glad about that. I fueled and drank, then came off the hill with one woman from the group -- and unbelievably had my right hamstring cramp up as soon as the road rolled downhill. I collected myself, swallowed two s-caps and walk a few steps, then got going and really eased down Cleator to the cutoff, and still tried to keep it easy down there. By Fragrance (a new part of the course I am very thankful for) I was with Maksim again, and I again tucked in with him down to the aid and Interurban. I wasn't in spectacular shape and probably went a little slower there than I would have liked (51:40 for the split, which I believe is around 3 miles), but I had managed through a cramp and was in a pretty good mindset to finish things up. Certainly better mentally than I've been in other years, if a little farther back on the clock. So there was the Interurban, the old nemesis. I took my time through the aid, made a joke with a guy about starting our cool down, and took off walking for 30 seconds to take a deep breath and get ready. This is where I've always felt lonely and beaten down. But I started to jog and a guy pulled up next to me. We ran together for a minute and then started talking. We kept chatting away (he was a Boeing guy) and the minutes just started ticking off. I was feeling in the zone and pretty strong, and I'd guess we were not to far above 8/min. pace. It was fantastic, the best I've even been at that point. I eventually left him after 3 miles or so, then immediately the sky opened up and drenched us all. Just soaked to the skin after a pretty decent day otherwise. But that gave me something to think about other than cramps or pain, so I focused on how wet I was and kept moving. After getting back into the heavier forest I had a small tickle and stopped for a few seconds to stretch, but a group ran up on me and pushed me back to get a pace going. After the road and final switchback I had another cramp threat, but it quickly subsided and I knew I could finish strong. Ended up picking off three more runners, including a guy with maybe 400-500 meters to go, and I even had a hint of steam to stretch my legs for that last 200, giving me a 59:19 final leg. So I didn't set a time record (other than "personal worst time"), but I gave myself a really good boost of confidence that I can manage cramps and run wisely, and I can finish strong on the Interurban. I was even able to walk up and down steps both last night and today, which isn't usually the case. It hasn't been a great mileage year, so I wasn't expecting anything more than an enjoyable day in the woods -- and I got that. Jon ended up in the Top 20, at 4:20, which I thought was great, and we enjoyed a few hours in the cold with other runners before going back to Seattle (where it was sunny) for showers and dinner. brooks cascadia 5 -- Might be time to retire these guys, they've been through enough | |
| | YMCA treadmill, 7:40 pace or so. Legs feel fine, the 'recovery' days were recovering from work, not Chuckanut. 31:05 supernova glide |
| | Ran w/Mike from Evergreen Park, our usual route of late though we skipped Stevenson Canyon because we were both in a hurry. Then six hours of trails maintenance at Illahee Preserve. No watch. supernova glide |
| | Warren-Manette bridge loop, brisk pace. 37:30 supernova glide |
| | First Jaguars practice of the year. I ran 4x800 with a group of 9- and 10-year-old boys, at about 7/min. pace. Then another 4 by myself around the track after practice. supernova glide |
| | Really easy running around Bremerton High with a group of Jaguar girls, we got kicked off the track so I didn't get any additional miles in tonight. 31 minutes or so, with a few hill repeats. supernova glide |
| | Henry was in town, so Mike and I met him at Annapolis for 10 miles. No watch, but we were pretty pepped up to see him and certainly ran quicker than we should have. Some sub-7s, I'm sure, and Henry was laboring by the finish. I was a little stiff from a Friday night bike ride, but other than that a good run on a sunny morning. supernova glide |
| | Ran w/Mike after Jaguars practice, colder out than I thought it would be so I was chilly and stiff after yelling at 10-year-olds to run 800s. Two mile warmup, then 4x800 @ 2:57-3:05 each, 400m slow in between, then 1 mile cool down. |
| | 11th-Shore Drive. 30ish, I lost track because I stopped and talked to two different neighbors during the run. supernova glide |
| | Mike and I caught a brief period of sunshine this morning and did a quick run from Evergreen Park up Stephenson and through Manette. Kind of a weak week. supernova glide |
| | Met Mike at the track again for an evening workout. Ten minute warmup, then a 1x2x3x4x5-minute ladder at about 6/min. pace or under on each, with the corresponding number of minutes jogged in between. Two mile cool down. 43:10 supernova glide |
| | Illahee Preserve to see the brand new Hall of Cedars loop trail, which is FANTASTIC. I'm really enjoying these woods these days, what a beautiful and peaceful place. The new loop means I don't have to backtrack out of the far northwest corner of the forest any longer, and can run it as a true loop. Legs a little stiff from Tuesday's workout. 35:10 supernova glide |
| | E-Z treadmill miles. 32:00 supernova glide |
| | Beach Drive with Mike, surprisingly cold (34 degrees) but fortunately dry and clear. Aiming for a slower pace, we ran the first mile at 7:35 then settled into something quicker (6:55-7:08). My left hip tightened up on the return and the tightness stretched down into my hamstring. Stretched twice. Left foot a little iffy to start (plantar soreness), and then again after finishing and stretching, etc. 1:14:35 supernova glide |
| | Illahee Preserve. After meeting with the stewardship team to clear trash from a homeless camp and trash rouge trails for 90 minutes, Mike and his wife and daughter showed up. I changed my clothes and shoes and Mike and I did a big easy loop of the preserve for nearly 40 minutes. My legs felt much better than I thought they would have. Yesterday afternoon and evening they really were dead, but maybe that was track practice/yardwork talking. Also, my hip was moving much more freely than during Saturday's run. brooks cascadia V |
| | 11th-Shore Drive. Pleasant sunrise run on a bright morning, went to work and watched Boston results for a few hours -- then my stomach dropped when I saw the first news of explosions, and in the newsroom we spent the rest of the day scrambling to keep the website updated and track down local runners to make sure our folks were ok. 30:00 supernova glide |
| | A Bremerton soccer game bumped our track workout, so Mike and I crossed the Warren Bridge and ran around Manette a bit, surging up every hill (usually 45 seconds to 1 minute) and even adding an extra to get to 6 total. 48:03 supernova glide |
| | Ran with the Jaguars today to help with some pacing. 800m warmup, then 6x200 (about 32-35 seconds each), 2x300, and 2x400. Then another mile or so cool down, rain was starting so I cut it a little short. Little faster than usual. supernova glide |
| | Easy, 8/min pace on the treadmill, trying out a pair of Brooks Cascadia 8s. They are very cushioned, but pinch my feet a bit. I think I'm taking them back. 32:00 |
| | Met Mike at Annapolis, with the goal of a longer run with some uptempo miles included to prepare for Bloomsday pace. After an easy mile we settled into a pace that was brisk, but felt ok (7/min to 7:10 or so). At the 5-mile mark we took a minute to gear up then took off faster for the return. Even starting on a hilly stretch we hit 6:05, 6:06, and then 5:45 down on the flat section of Beach. Maybe should have pushed for another, in retrospect. But we were both working on the third one, trading off setting the pace every quarter or so. Then two at 7:25 plus the extra quarter or whatever to finish at the parking lot. 1:12:10 Sore left plantar to start again, loosened up after a few minutes and didn't bother me. But sore again Saturday night, and my left hip flexor felt a little beat up. |
| | 11th-Shore Drive on a quiet, quiet Sunday in Bremerton. I saw one car, and one other person total the whole run. 33:02 supernova glide | |
| | My plan was to do a little shake out run at Rainier Beach High School before the Jaguar track meet got going. When the 100s started I snuck out of the stadium and ran around the neighborhood for two miles or so, which was fine. Coached the kids through their races, then around noon a guy wanted to organize a coaches relay. I tried to beg off, but as one of the able-bodied Bremerton coaches I had to do it. No biggie, I could handle 100m. Warmed up a bit more, did some strides, stretched, then raced. I ran opening leg and put us in the lead, but as soon as I handed off something didn't feel right. Walking back to the grandstand turned into a limp, and something between my groin and hip flexor started screaming. These little kids are all congratulating me and I'm just gritting my teeth as I feel my leg tighten up. Pretty ominous feeling the day before race. I gather my things and jogged back to the car to loosen it, then sat and stretched awhile before settling in for the 5-hour drive to Spokane. |
| Race: |
Lilac Bloomsday 12k (7.46 Miles) 00:46:22, Place overall: 168, Place in age division: 8 | | After a 5 hour drive from Seattle Saturday afternoon, my little groin injury had completely stiffened up, and sleeping on Donnie's floor for a night didn't help much. I was in some pain during our warm up on a Spokane side street, and wasn't really sure how things would go. Add in the warmest starting time temperature in a decade and forecast finish time around 80, I knew it would be a tougher race than usual. I decided to take it out at a good pace and see how my leg felt, rather than fold early. Surprisingly, once I got going my leg didn't give me much pain. I jumped on a grassy median to move around the crowd, missed the first mile marker (as I almost always do), zoomed down the first hill and hit the two-mile marker in 11:33. Mile three levels out and I tried to back off a bit, and hit 6:19. But then I started to fade, and by mile 4 (6:17) I knew I didn't quite have it this time, probably had started to quickly and by then we were exposed in the sun. A 6:38 up Doomsday meant I wasn't going to PR, and I admittedly packed it in a bit and just cruised the last 2.5 at 6:34, 6:22 and 2:36. The only consolation is that all times seemed slow this year, which was clearly the result of the heat. We just aren't used to it this early! On the cool down with Mike my groin pain began again, it was screaming at me after I had sat down for 15 minutes. So I've been a little ginger since then, trying to slowly take care of it. | |
| | Ran with four of my boys on the Jaguars on a warm afternoon. 1.5 easy, then 6x100m sprints on a slight hill w/ easy jog between, then another 1 or so back to the track. After practice finished I did another two or so on my own slowly on the track. 36:37 |
| | Illahee Preserve, had the place all to myself. 35:10 |
| | Met Mike at Evergreen, crossed the bridge, to Lions and back through Manette and downtown. 40:05 |
| | 11th-Shore Drive. Groin/flexor is starting to feel better, not really sore at all today to start. 33:00 supernova glide |
| | Ran with the kids at practice, a few easy miles and 8x100 (4 slight up, 4 slight down) in the middle. 22:00 supernova glide |
| | Easy morning run on 11th-Shore Drive. 24:50 supernova glide |
| Race: |
Beat the Bridge 8k (4.97 Miles) 00:29:23, Place overall: 48, Place in age division: 3 | | I ended up signing up for Beat the Bridge to prove to myself after Bloomsday that I could string together a few sub-6 miles. I'm not in shape to beat last year's time, but it was still fun to get out and race with a big crowd (and it's a good cause). This is a good run because I can jog over to the course from Bryce and Bonnie's for a two-mile warmup, race, jog back, eat breakfast and still make it to church on time. The morning was cloudy, but warmer than I thought and the rain held off. I was overdressed, actually, with a thin long-sleeve. Didn't rush the first mile intentionally (6:05), then used the second mile's downhill to pick up the pace a bit and settle in the with the group I'd stay with the whole time (5:57). The third mile goes up the bridge and I played it safe with this little group of four of us (6:13), then the fourth mile I felt really comfortable and just floated along (5:05, the marker was definitely short and maybe 3 was a little long). The closing mile I should have pushed a little more than I did, I wasn't ready mentally to chase people and just held a pace rather than really using the last long hill (6:01). I did catch one guy and girl, but had I been engaged I think there were two more for the taking. One mile cool down. Ninety seconds slower than a year ago, which isn't encouraging, but I do feel better about this one than Bloomsday and have some confidence to maybe run a bit more this month. adizero flats | |
| |
AM: 4 miles, YMCA loop, 31:23 PM: Ran a track workout with the Jaguar kids, 8x600m at about 2:05 pace each. 1.5 miles of warmup/cooldown. supernova glide
| | Illahee Preserve with Timm, easy pace. 36:55 brooks cascadia 5 |
| | OPG trails in North Kitsap. Exchanged a new pair of Brooks Cascadias first (7s didn't fit right), then Timm and I went and wandered the logging roads and trails at an easy pace. Finished just before the rain. 52:00 brooks cascadia 8 -- 6 |
| | 11th-Shore Drive, slightly abbreviated. 30:50 brooks cascadia 8 -- 10 |
| | Met Mike downtown; Warren Bridge to Lions Park, back through Manette. 41:50 supernova glide |
| | Memorial Day morning run with Timm, Laurelhurst to Matthews Beach on the Burke-Gilman Trail. Raining pretty good by the time we got out there. 63:40 brooks cascadia 8 -- 18 |
| | Easy YMCA loop w/Timm. 33:33 supernova glide |
| | Saturday we hosted our track meet at Bremerton High, and two full days of prep meant no run in the lead up. I ran the coaches 4x100 again, despite my better judgement, and even though we got second in an eight-team field, I aggravated my left groin/flexor again. So Sunday Timm, Mike and I drove up to the Elwha River, which any scientist or nature lover really must do. Two dams, 99- and 85-years-old, have been removed in a massive, historic federal project. We gave it a look see and had a wonderful day. I would have liked a little more trail to run, but most of the approaches were very short. So today's 3 isn't even a 'real' 3, because it was broken up by some easy hiking around ancient lake beds and short drives to different viewpoints. But I shook the leg out a bit, and it felt ok. |
| | Left leg not feeling so good today after running fast 200s with my Jaguar friends. Warm-up, 7x200 at 31 seconds with jog between, then a cool down. My leg is killing me, that was unwise for a guy who's older and less fast-twitch than he thinks he is. See the sacrifice I make so a 13-year-old girl has someone to pace her? supernova glide |
| | Much too sore in the groin/abdomen. This is odd and a bit unnerving. Easy miles on Shore Drive, lots of stretching. brooks cascadia 8 |
| | Bremerton Jaguars track meet in Bellevue, but I found a nearby gravel trail and warmed up with a few kids before the meet got going. Slow running, still a little tight and sore with some pain when I get started. Great track meet, for what it's worth. PRs all around, and no coaches relay. supernova glide
| | Easy run w/Timm, Burke-Gilman trail to Husky Stadium and back. Feeling better, much less abdomen and hip pain. 32:30 supernova glide |
| | Warren-Manette bridge loop. brooks cascadia 8 |
| | YMCA loop. Soreness is moving back to the original injury and away from my abdomen, but still not comfortable. Easy pace. 34:16 supernova glide |
| | Illahee Preserve on a quiet Sunday morning, almost had the whole woods to myself. Easy running, and my groin/abdomen pain is drastically reduced, and by the end of the run almost consisted of hip tightness alone. I think it's a good sign. Actually, I've put socks on the past two days without pain, so there's progress. Plenty of stretching afterward. 40:15 brooks cascadia 8 |
| | Brisk morning run around the 11th-Shore Drive corridor, I didn't push the pace but this was faster than I've run in two weeks. Felt ok, I'm starting to get my stride back a bit. 29:50 supernova glide |
| | Three pretty quick miles (each 7/min or less) on the track after the kids finished their workout. Warm, sunny night, but I admit I cut it short to get home and watch the NBA Finals game. It was worth it, what a crazy finish. supernova glide |
| | Another practice w/Jaguars. Easy miles, plus 3x600 uptempo. |
| | Manette Hills loop. Left hip flexor a little stiff and sore, but more because I didn't stretch much last night. 40:10 supernova glide |
| | Burke Gilman-Husky Stadium loop in Seattle on a humid morning. I felt really run down for some reason. Not too much hip pain, though it's been tight the rest of the afternoon. 37:05 supernova glide |
| | Manette-Shore Drive, medium pace. 30:40 supernova glide |
| | Probably a combo on no running for two days and too much sitting at work, but my hip and groin really took awhile to warm up. Pretty painful first mile, then three at 7/min pace on the track. More mileage, less work tomorrow. supernova glide |
| | Mid-morning day on a warm one (for us). It was probably 75, but that's the most heat I've run in for awhile. Slow pace, hip flexor isn't feeling great but I made it through. Another longer run tomorrow, need to build the miles back up (preferably in some heat, as well) the next six weeks. 1:03:00 brooks cascadia 8 |
| | Met Mike, warm and muggy even by 7 a.m. From downtown Bremerton through Evergreen, where a 5k was setting up, across Warren and out to Tracyton dock, then back through Manette to downtown. I think Mike wanted to push, but I was tired from Friday and held the pace back. A little sore in the hip flexor/groin, but made it through ok, and it actually felt better through the day Saturday than it has. 1:17:00 supernova glide |
| | Warm evening run on the Warren-Manette bridges loop. Tender in the hip flexor/ab to start, and a little stiff and sore my hips when I got going. Slugged it out in an easy pace. 38:30 supernova glide |
| | Warm outside but the shady Illahee Preserve was perfect temperature. Felt as good as I have lately, maybe the soft trails or just finally getting my legs under me. Not too much hip/ab pain. Nice brisk pace. 31:47 brooks cascadia 8 |
| | I was in Silverton, Ore. for a wedding, and woke up to a cool and clear morning to run on. Went out for 40 minutes on country roads surrounded by fields and implement shops, then back through the little town of Silverton until I found a small park with a few trails, then back through town and just wound around the pretty little streets until it was time to head back uphill to the resort. Really nice place, nice little run too. Soaked in the pool afterward, which really did wonders for my aching groin/flexor/hip. They felt completely fine afterward, even after a four-hour car ride home. Good sign. 1:33:00 supernova glide |
| | Finally back at home with a few minutes to run, headed to Illahee Preserve to cap a busy weekend. Peaceful woods, almost didn't see another soul. Legs felt nice and light and healthy, good pace on a perfect evening. 34:00 brooks cascadia 8 |
| | Out to Illahee State Park and back. Medium pace, though I cruised the downhills a bit and stretched my stride out. A little hip flexor soreness to finish. Felt good climbing the trail out of the beach. 48:00 supernova glide |
| | Kind of an aborted small workout, but I'll still take it as I get back into some solid training. One of the Jaguars I coach qualified for the national championship, and I had planned to have her run 3x800 today. My idea was to pace her through those, then do another 3 myself. But she had two teeth removed today and wasn't up to it. So after a lighter workout I stuck around the track, warmed up 1.5 miles until my hip flexor loosened up, then started a Yasso 800 workout to see how many I could do w/200m jog breaks. The first two were too fast (2:40, 2:43), the third on pace (2:51), but the fourth started falling apart (2:54). It was hot and my leg was hurting so I called it and cooled down with an easy 800. Had to get back to work anyway. 31:50 overall supernova glide |
| | Easy morning run on 11th-Shore, not much pain. 30:42 brooks cascadia |
| | Morning run on Beach Drive w/Mike. A bit cooler than it has been, only 50F when we started. My groin was stiff from the start, we began by running back through Port Orchard to check on a small new urban trail, then came back through Annapolis at 25 minutes and headed out Beach Drive. My groin eventually warmed up, but the left hip flexor and hip/hamstring were both talking to me most of the way. Possibly because we could not stick to a slower pace, as planned. After mile 3 we were hitting 7-7:05 each, with two (10 and 12) at 6:40 and 6:50. Probably faster than necessary, but I suppose that indicates we have some fitness. Significant pain and soreness in my left hip flexor/hip at the finish though, I've stretched/iced/showered so hopefully during the day I loosen up. 1:24:06 |
| | Warm evening run (80) on 11th-Shore Drive. Legs felt heavy, but not painful or stiff. Easy pace, no watch, plenty of stretching following. supernova glide |
| | Warm evening run, more muggy than usual because of some thunderstorms brewing. After standing around for an hour at track practice I ran mile repeats on the track, getting progressively faster and then slowed on the last one. 7:00, 6:45, 6:05, 5:50, 6:50 I felt ok and probably should have tried to hit one more faster mile, or more wisely added in one between the 6:45 and 6:05. supernova glide |
| | Illahee Preserve, evening run, pleasant outside, not too warm at all. Easy-to-medium pace, very comfortable and then a little more brisk on the downhills. Felt healthy overall, a little soreness here and there in the left groin. 40:04 brooks cascadia |
| | Morning run on Green Mountain before heading to work late. It was warm (enough, I suppose, maybe 75), and I had the forest mostly to myself until I started passing the motos on my way down. Good to get it done with quietly. My legs were good to start, but the left groin and hip flexor started in at a little under an hour. Not so much on climbs, but definitely on all descents. I ran down slower than usual, just taking it easy, my groin was really screaming for the last two miles or so. Wildcat to the Horse Camp in 22 minutes; Beaver Pond to Gold Creek junction in 23:39; Plummer/Gold Creek to the Beaver Pond junction in 26:11 (Plummer is longer but less steep than the Beaver Pond approach); to Summit in 9:56; return via Wildcat (rathe than Beaver Pond, mostly due to the pain in my leg) in 44:56. 2:06:43 total, which is a little slower than I have run that. Still a good run and nice morning. I was feeling fatigued by the finish, so also a good run training-wise. brooks cascadia 8 |
| | Mid-morning run, I waited until the sun came out. Never hurts to train in a little heat (yes, just a little) to get ready for Afton. Started slowly and felt a little creaky through 2 miles, then actually loosened up nicely and ran a pretty brisk 7:10 pace, then slowed a bit on the last mile in. 8-mile out and back on Tracyton Beach Road. Felt really good afterward, actually. 59:04 supernova glide |
| | Busy day at work Monday meant an unplanned day off. But the two days rest seems to have helped, and I'm for the most part pain-free in my hips/groin/lower ab for the first time in awhile. Good sign. My hip flexors were a little tight on the warm up, but after a mile loosened up ok. I ran about 3 on 11th-Shore Drive then returned to Jacobson for a hill workout. 8x200m (or so, may be a little longer, actually) up Jacobson, which is a pretty good grade, probably 25-30 percent. Repeats were 1:06, 1:11, 1:09, 1:15, 1:14, 1:12, 1:13, 1:12. 2 minute jog downhill between each. By the last one I was wobbly, so I know I dug a little deeper tonight. It was warm, but Jacobson is all shade. Not enough fluid, that's for sure. Tired legs now. 1/2 mile cooldown home. 49:40 |
| | Illahee Preserve, evening run. Warm outside but the forest is pretty shady, so it was very pleasant. After feeling healthy in my left leg Tuesday, I had nagging soreness all Wednesday, plus worked too late to get a run in. But tonight I ran pretty much free and easy and without pain. Medium pace, pushed a little toward the end and extended the route on Spotted Doe a second time. 44:55 brooks cascadia |
| Race: |
Whale of a run (4 Miles) 00:23:05 | | I didn't get as many miles as planned this week because of some longer than planned days at work, but at least that meant I was fresh for Saturday's race. Cloudy skies when I woke up but the sun came out by the time I got to Silverdale, but a nice breezy morning and no warmer than 70 or so. A few of the Jaguars kids were out there so I chatted with them, signed up, then did a 2-mile warm-up on Clear Creek Trail. The start moved up this year on Silverdale Way (start/finish now on the same line, which is nice), so I did a few strides and found a place behind the fast CK High runners. I started with the second little pack off the line, but we strung out maybe 1/4 mile before the first split and I let two guys go who, in retrospect, would have been nice to stick with. I was comfortable, and maybe a little too comfortable, hitting the mile in 5:44. I surged some on what was left of Silverdale Way, then left the kid with me on the hill and picked up one other. Just before the railroad tracks a guy caught me, and we rounded the corner and surged together there. I left him to pass the second mile in 6:23 (also slower than I planned) but he moved back ahead of me within 1/2 mile or so. Ran alone on mile 3 with four guys in sight (the three I should have stuck with from the start and the guy who passed me). I eventually reeled one in, turning the corner to Anderson Hill and hitting the mile in 5:54. He dropped his kick then and took me, I watched his back to the finish but couldn't make another strong move. I ran a good last mile chasing him and the three others, in 5:03 (the new mile markers may have been off a bit), but it wasn't enough to catch them or sneak in under 23:00, which was my goal. Too slow out of the gate and it did me in. My legs felt good though, no groin/hip problems on the course and I did feel like I was running comfortably. So that's the good news, and four miles in just over 23 minutes isn't embarrassing or anything. Just not enough racing this year to be ready to push, I think that's part of the problem. Stood around and talked to folks until the kiddie runs started. Then a three-mile cooldown on Clear Creek, then it started to get warmer outside. I didn't go back to check the final time/placing (I'm guessing I was around 10th, like always, and maybe won the age group -- one other guy ahead of me I didn't know, and looked about in his 30s). Then, also like always, some donuts and coffee. That was fun and all, but the coming week I'll need to get my mileage back up again. | |
| | Easy morning run w/Timm, he flew in Thursday from Peru. Good to have him setting a nice and easy pace. YMCA loop. 38:00 |
| | Warm evening run. 11th to the bridge, over to Evergreen and a loop around a pretty busy park, back via Shore Drive and the hill climb. Maybe a little over four, because I was running pretty briskly. But it's not one of my usual marked loops. 32:00 |
| | Long day at work trying to prepare for vacation. A few miles on 11th-Shore after work and before packing. No watch. |
| | At Jenny Lake in Grand Teton National Park with Timm. After driving most of the day with little stops through Yellowstone and Grand Teton, we set up camp, changed and parked at the Jenny Lake main center. It was very cloudy, clearly a t-storm was looming in the late afternoon. We ran west around the lake and toward the Inspiration Point trailhead, passing a lot of hikers hustling in. By the time we were at the Inspiration Point/Cascade Canyon junction there were enough hikers to slow us down to a hike. So we hiked up the canyon about an hour, saw a huge moose, then hiked back down and took the trail down to the water. Then a nice 5-mile run around Jenny Lake north-to-south past the String Lake trailhead. Great trail to run, and at that time of evening we had it nearly entirely to ourselves. My groin got a little cramped at 7 miles or so, so we slowed it down and hiked the last 1/2 mile. brooks cascadia |
| | No run, but a 10.5-mile hike to Surprise Lake in the Tetons before our drive to Afton. Pretty steep and it warmed up quite a bit after a rainy morning. Probably not the best pre-race warmup, but how often am I in Wyoming? Two interesting side notes: 1.) We saw a small black bear about 40 yards of the trail, just happily eating berries. 2.) We hiked by a group of four women, and stepped aside to let them pass downhill. One said, "We should be letting you go." I caught her eye and she gave me a warm smile, and five seconds later I realized it was Sally Jewell, the former president of REI and current Secretary of the Interior. My only way to confirm it was her backpack (I noticed it was an REI pack, because I have the same one). But that afternoon, on the drive to Afton, the radio reported that Jewell had spent the afternoon doing a press conference at Jenny Lake. It was totally her, pretty cool. |
| Race: |
El Vaquero Loco 25k (15.1 Miles) 03:25:14, Place overall: 19, Place in age division: 10 | | Timm and I rolled into Afton an hour before the race meeting, laid on the grass waiting around for everybody, then listened to the speech, got sweatshirts and then drove up to Cottonwood Lake to meet Cody and Bethany. They had scouted out a beautiful campsite next to the start -- as long as you weren't actually tent camping. There was a nice spot for a camper, but we would be sleeping on a rocky slope covered with sagebrush. Cody did donate some pads from his camper to ease the pain, and seeing how Timm and I woke up right as the 50k took off and poked our heads from the tent to see the stragglers leave, I can't complain about losing too much sleep. So we roused ourselves, and rode to Swift Creek with Bethany and the Draper kids. The advantage was beating the shuttle bus by five minutes, so we got our bathroom stops taken care of before the hoard arrived. The sun broke through the canyon just as Luke Nelson screamed through the 50k halfway point, then Ty held the 25k start a minute or two to let the second place guy blow through. He sprinted out of the aid station, and when we found him laying on the trail an hour later we figured he regretted that move. Anyway, crowded start so Timm and I went easy and stuck together in the middle of the pack. After the first little hike uphill we settled into a running pace and started slowly passing some women and men who, let's say, didn't have the body type to make me think they'd be with the leaders. By the time we broke into the first series of meadows I figure we were about 10 from the lead. The pace was good, definitely runnable through those meadows at a relaxed pace. We knew the uphill was long and there was no reason to overdo. We settled in behind a woman and two men after 45 minutes or so, and kind of followed their lead with a hike/run back-and-forth. After the first small aid we had left the two men and picked up a man-woman combo, and hung behind them 25 yards back as the trail got steeper and we did more hiking. After about 1:45 we were nearing the crest, with those great views of harsh Wyoming mountain ridges and a great view back below. Timm, who spent the past six weeks in Peru hiking at a 10,000-foot elevation, then decided that his older brother hikes too slowly. He gave me a little nudge and started taking bit bites with each step, leaving me and the other couple pretty quickly as we neared the summit before the lakes. I kept Timm and three or four others within 150 yards down the steep and rough descent to the lakes, then picked up a little speed when the trail evened out and passed one woman. But after going through the 8-mile aid I hit a bit of a wall when the trail turned back up, and I was feeling a little low on energy. I got passed by a woman just before the meadow before Balls opened up, and another guy moved past at the base of that climb. Balls was really tough, I just was pooped and discouraged to see how long the climb was. I could see Timm and a few others steadily moving up the long switchback but couldn't get the will to pick up any pace. At the switchback there's a bit of shade, so I pulled over to enjoy the view, catch my breath and suck a goo down. Cody passed me here, giving me a "What are you standing here for?" look. Ahh, I was on vacation. I should have had a camera. After that the saddle came quickly, actually, and after that rough intro to the downhill 3.5 (or whatever it is, the beginning in painfully steep), I found a pack and passed two people back. The women's 50k leader did slip by at a pretty good pace maybe 10 minutes from the finish. I nicked one more guy just before then end and finished comfortably, pretty proud of Timm for a strong race (he doesn't run much, living in the Arctic and all, and only has done one other mountain race). I was a little slow, but nothing in my legs was injured. I just felt completely worn out on that last climb, nothing to blame other than probably some fatigue from the previous day's hike and unfamiliarity with that type of altitude. I'm ok with that, it was fun to see this bear of a race. Geez, those mountains are steep, my hat is off to the 50k'ers. We swam in the lake there for a few minutes and cooled off our legs with Cody, waited for Mike and Joe to finish, had a soda and a burger, and went on our way to Salt Lake City. Great experience, I think I'd like to come back and try again sometime. | |
| | Spent a week off with a few days in SLC with some hiking/kayaking, then two days to drive back here. Warren-Manette bridge loop, I can feel the few days in a car. Legs pretty stiff so I ran a slow pace. Really humid outside this morning. No watch, but around 40 minutes. supernova glide |
| | Cool morning, a little sprinkle in the air even. Mike and I drove out to Klahowya and ran the east side Newberry Hill trails. We ran about 10 minutes in on Deer Fence to Chantrelle Trail, then stopped for 15 minutes to look for mushrooms. Mostly pretty small, but we still filled a bag. Stashed the bag and kept going out Chantrelle to Coyote, then the main loop and back through Wildlife Trail. Picked up the 'shrooms and back the way we came. My left hip flexor and groin were pretty tight and got really sore the last 10 minutes or so. But I kept up with Mike's pace, we weren't moving too quickly. Too many days off and too much sitting at work lately, I think. So the run was fine, but the social time was really nice and we got caught up. 1:05:55 brooks cascadia |
| | I've only run a handful of times in the past month. Although I didn't have hip flexor/groin/ab soreness at El Vaquero Loco, I've been in pain after nearly every run since. Not dehabilitating, but after a few easy miles I'll wake up with a little limp the next morning. It's frustrating. So I've tried to spend time slowly stretching or doing light yoga instead for the past few weeks, hoping that the rest will heal something.
This weekend I did meet Mike at his house so we could go for a few miles. We took his new dog. Out to Rocky Point and back, pretty easy pace. Felt ok, not perfect, but ok, the rest of the day. 42:40
| | I had some slight soreness in my ab walking around this morning, but not too bad in the hip. So after walkig to church and back to loosen/warm-up, in the afternoon I decided to run at Illahee Preserve. About 3 easy miles, just finished before a huge t-storm hit. 23:00
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| | Met Mike at Evergreen Park, did the bridge-bridge-downtown route. I felt ... ok.
After two months of pain-rest-clear-exercise-more pain, I saw a doc and was assured I'm not completely broken. He diagnosed an abductor strain or possible small tear, which turned into hip flexor tendinitis over the summer. I'm seeing a PT now and things are improving.
But still, slow and short for awhile.
| | The annual Thanksgiving Day run in Silverdale, four miles out on the Clear Creek Trail, mostly with Mike and Tony Epps. Good crowd, caught up with some friends, and when Chris Lemke saw me he said: "Look at you, don't tell me you haven't gained 15 pounds." He's right. I like having honest running friends.
No soreness in the afternoon, which was a first for a long time and I was very pleased.
| | From Mike's house out Rocky Point and back, with his dog. Not fast, but all the "other" things are bothering me now. But those aren't the damaged parts, just the muscles that are out of shape.
Hips ok, achilles tightened up during breakfast at Mike's though. No watch.
| | 30 minutes of real easy running on the treadmill at the Y. 10-minute first mile, then moved down to about 8. Then 20 minutes or stretching and some flexibility exercises.
| | Another 30 minute run on the Y treadmill, pushed just a bit more than Sunday and then did stretching/exercises for 30 minutes. Not feeling much pain at all during running anymore, other than some soreness in my lower abdomen. I'm hoping that's just weakness from inactivity and the injury.
| | Another 30 minute treadmill/stretching day. It still takes me a little longer to loosen up, even indoors, but after 10 minutes I feel strong. Kept the pace nice and slow again.
| | 45 minutes of basketball at YMCA.
| | Another easy run on the treadmill. A bit faster pace this time, little by little. I'm actually feeling much better, running pretty much pain-free and not even noticing the hip/groin much in stretching.
| | Same thing -- 30 minutes at the Y on a treadmill -- feeling better every time out.
| | 90 minutes of basketball at the Y. Pushed a little more today, strength is all there, though my groin felt fatigued by the end. No pain later in the day though.
| | Same deal, still takes a mile to work the kinks out but things are improving.
| | More of the same. Left hip flexor kind of cranky to get started today. Still, it's about time to change pace.
| | 90 minutes of basketball, then I went and ran for 10 minutes on the treadmill to cap it off.
| | YMCA treadmill, slow and easy. Just a touch of soreness in my groin anymore, and it warms up pretty quickly.
| | In Mount Vernon for Christmas, a morning run on my old trail at Skagit Valley College. Two laps through the woods at an easy pace. 27:00
| | Two laps at SVC, then wandered through a new development nearby that ate up all the fields that used to surround my house. Lots of homes in there. 40:00
| | Met Mike at Evergreen Park, ran to Lions Park and then back via Manette Bridge and downtown. Pushed for a little while (close to 7/min) and I could feel it, so we backed off halfway through. A little groin soreness by the end, and felt more winded than I'd expect. 41:00
| | Illahee Preserve morning run, just about had the whole forest to myself. Foggy and cool, weather that matches this low boiling cold I'm getting. Legs felt good, a little fatigued after 20 minutes in but no pain or anything. And that may have been the cold anyway. 33:10
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