Trail run at Green Mountain with Mike and Chris, my estimate of 15 is a total ballpark number because we ran different than my usual routes and Mike inadvertantly turned off his Garmin halfway through. But we were running for 2.5 hours or so (again, kind of a guess because I stopped my watch and missed 2-3 miles on the way back), taking the hills nice and slow and then picking up the pace on downhills. We ran from Wildcat Lake trailhead to Beaver Pond, then up to the Vista. Then down the Gold Creek trail until it meets Plummer, then uphill on Plummer until we met Beaver Pond again. Then we ran in Beaver Pond to Wildcat in the opposite direction of how we started. This was a good run, I'm much stronger on the hills than the last two times out at Green Mountain, which is a good sign. And even after 2.5 hours I wasn't feeling much fatigue (I had three Clif blocks, one Enduralight, one bottle of water). A little creaky in the right knee, which was odd. Then to Hi-Lo's 15th Street Cafe for my favorite breakfast in Bremerton.
brooks cascadia green 30