Another day, another downpour, but this time I'm not trying to whine. I met up with the running club in Port Orchard, groups take off at different times from this dock and run on a nice country road right along the shoreline. I met two other guys for 8 miles at 6:30, when it was pouring and really gusty. A little tailwind heading out and a huge headwind coming back in. Good run though, and having company on a morning like this makes all the difference. We ran 8 min. miles despite the winds, I think I was pushing a little bit (I was reminded once that 'we like to run slow on Saturdays.' I got the hint.) Legs felt good though, nice to feel the road instead of every step on the treadmill.
It was neat being out on the road and meeting other people coming and going out -- it's an out-and-back that everyone does. The only thing I missed out on was the group's post-run breakfast, no hash browns are good enough to justify me sitting there like a drowned rat for an extra hour. Next time I bring a change of clothes. In any case, I'm excited about meeting some other runners.