No better way to start off the week than a strenuous climb up Flagstaff Mountain. I decided to ride my mt. bike since the handle bars are a little higher than my road bike and my shoulder gets super achy on my road bike. Shoulder felt great and hip was okay too. I'm listening to this awesome talk right now and its giving me a happier outlook. My favorite points he made: "Many of you are endlessly compassionate with the weaknesses of others. Please remember to be compassionate with yourself." "Forget not to be happy need not wait for a 'golden ticket' to be happy." "If we spend our days waiting for fabulous roses, we could miss the beauty and wonder of the tiny forget-me-nots that are all around us. Never stop stiving for the best that is within you. But don't close your eyes and hearts to the simple and elegant beauties of each days ordinary moments that make up a rich, well-lived life." -Dieter F. Uchtdorf