11.25 miles on the treadmill after work. Long day. Arrived at work early, had an after school AP review for the young scholars, supervising a student teacher this semester and trying to fulfill a bunch of silly requirements our administration has placed on us teachers to justify their existence. These are things that they imagine improve the quality of our school but, in fact, only distract us from what we really need to do. Andy and I have started a new tradition of going to Beans and Brews on 27th South while Abby is at her violin lesson. The tradition is that I get a cup of coffee and Andy gets a hot chocolate and pesters me the whole time to get him a cookie as well. Every week when we are there, an old man comes in a few minutes after us and orders a cup of coffee and just stares vacantly off into space. We can't decide whether or not he comes in every night at 6:22 or just every Wednesday night at 6:22. My run today was good. Close to the highlight of my day. I must say, I am looking excitedly forward to the Jazz game tonight. Shouldn't have too much trouble with the Milwaukee Bucks. Speaking of Milwaukee, Theodore Roosevelt was shot there while running for President on the Bull Moose ticket in 1912. Gave his entire speech with a bullet in his chest. Men were men back then.