Rob Murphy

March 11, 2025

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Salt Lake City,

Member Since:

Feb 11, 2010



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

I had some success in high school and college. Winner 1985 Rod Dixon Run 

Had a fair amount of success as a Masters runner for most of my 40s. 

Short-Term Running Goals:

Have fun with running, explore more trails, stay healthy.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep running and racing consistently for as long as I can. Find what is sustainable for me over the long run.


I teach AP European History and other courses at Alta High School. I coached the track and cross country teams at Alta for 16 years.

Married, two kids - Abby and Andy

My Twitter  @murphy_rob

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Miles:This week: 7.25 Month: 47.50 Year: 315.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM: Two mile walk/jog around Sandy. 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and some core exercises.

PM: 1.25 mile warm-up jog on the treadmill then I proceeded over to the Stair Master and commenced to climbing.

I did 501 floors in 60 minutes which is apparently 10.5 miles. I was breathing like I was at my threshold most of the way but it was cross training so I'll count it as easy miles.

I know that many of you purists wouldn't count these "miles" at all.

My legs are wobbly now. I feel good about this workout. 

I just read where Colorado has banned beer with less than 4% alcohol from being sold in restaurants and bars. That is basically the opposite of Utah's law which only allows 3.2 beer in most cases. I believe Colorado's governor used to own a brew pub. That won't ever happen here.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Bret on Thu, May 09, 2013 at 17:15:11 from

Hey I see that Salazar and Rupp and Mo Farrah are in Park City training this week. Maybe you can get your team to do a run with them.

It'd be just like in Largo when we ran with Craig Virgin. :)

From dugco on Thu, May 09, 2013 at 17:51:22 from

Trav still talks about when Ritz and his then Hanson Training Group team mates came to Tally in '09? and used our school as base camp for a couple weeks - very cool for the kids

From Rob Murphy on Thu, May 09, 2013 at 18:42:24 from

Yeah, Al Sal contacted me last week. Said he was a little busy and was wondering if I could put together some workouts for his guys.

From Josh E on Thu, May 09, 2013 at 19:56:17 from

Although I have been dying for some strong beer on tap and this legislation wouldn't affect me in the least if I lived there, I don't see the logic of it.

From Neasts on Thu, May 09, 2013 at 21:01:33 from

I know the miles dilemma. When I'm killing myself going up hills, I think I'm as completely exhausted--physically or cardiovascularly--as I am when I've done speedwork on the track. I still call those slow miles because they were, well, slow. I still call them miles, and you should, too.

From Rob Murphy on Thu, May 09, 2013 at 21:07:28 from

I used to be totally ignorant regarding trail running. I wondered why these super ultra running 100 miler guys ran less miles/week than I did.

Then I went on a few hard trail runs with lots of climbing and I realized how much less ground you cover with the same or more effort.

From Bam on Fri, May 10, 2013 at 07:24:22 from

If I'm missing the joke - as I have been recently - sorry. But, you are joking about the 3.2% alcohol law, aren't you? Because if you're not, you should move to N Korea/China - I'm sure you'd be able to get something stronger than 3,2% in one of those more liberal countries:)

Just thought about it a little more and although I don't know how or why, but I'm sure there's a joke in what you're saying. You can't have laws that allow fruitcakes to go around with automatic weapons and then have a law that says you can't have alcohol with more than 3.2%.

You nearly had me there Mr Murphy.

From ACorn on Fri, May 10, 2013 at 07:51:43 from


In order to buy alcohol with a higher percentage in Utah, you must go to the state owned liquor stores. Bars and restaurants can often serve higher percentage too if they've gone through the licensing process.

From Rob Murphy on Fri, May 10, 2013 at 08:05:29 from

Bam - It's a fools errand to try and understand Utah's alcohol laws. Even those of us who have lived here for years are often confused. Just when you think you understand them, they change the laws.

Of course this is not an issue for the majority of Utahan's for whom alcohol laws are irrelevant.

From Josh E on Fri, May 10, 2013 at 09:11:05 from

Bam - This is a fun topic for the unitiated. One point of clarification, its 4% beer - 3.2% is alcohol by weight and 4% is alcohol by volume which is the customary presentation in the US.

The one rationale for the CO law that I can think of is some times you don't get the 4% you are accustomed to getting and this law allows you to be confident in what you are ordering.

Here are my three favorite arbitrary and capricious laws:

- As discussed, no beer on tap above 4% ABV - I have never heard a rationale for this.

- At restaurants where patrons under 21 can attend (read parents with kids), no eye openers before noon. Brunch is big here and parents with kids basically miss out on the bloody marys/mimosas/whatever your drink is.

- Finally, no more than 1.5 oz (42 grams) of spirits in a cocktail. This causes us to miss out on many of the cocktails as they're intended to be served.

From Bam on Fri, May 10, 2013 at 09:34:49 from

Shush. No 5 'O' about. Safe. I'm emptying my piggy-bank: I'm coming over to open a chain of Bamtastic Speakeasies. They'll be open 24/7 and we'll be selling what ever tickles your fancy. Keep it on the QT. First rouund's (looks like I've had a few too many already) on the house. Sorted.

From Steve on Fri, May 10, 2013 at 13:43:12 from

Insane. I will never understand the human need to control others.

Killer stairs Rob. I have to hand it to you on that many floors. I think you just might be ready for R2R2R.

From Rob Murphy on Fri, May 10, 2013 at 13:46:00 from

I read an article recently about how the NPS is really cracking down on people running on Grand Canyon trails.

From Jon on Sat, May 11, 2013 at 10:11:06 from

Why are they cracking down? Meaning they are stopping people mid-run? Aren't the trails there to use?

From Rob Murphy on Sat, May 11, 2013 at 10:46:33 from

Jon - I read that Max King was going to attempt the fastest R2R2R time but had to cancel. The article said that they were making a serious effort to prohibit any trail running in the Grand Canyon.

I don't really see how they can do this either. In my two R2R2R crossings I rarely saw a ranger. Steve almost got arrested by an angry female ranger though.

Maybe they should just outlaw trail running on all public lands? You know, to keep us safe.

From Steve on Sat, May 11, 2013 at 12:01:33 from

I really hope they prohibit it. That will cut down on the amount of people there when we run it.

From Steve on Sat, May 11, 2013 at 12:10:56 from

In high school cross country we ran often along the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. It was well established by the CCC way back when. last year the city of Logan took it over for "improvements". They immediately posted restrictions along it for animals here, walking there, park benches so people could sit, and closed most of it in the summer until this April. In April they extended the closing until Fall. All on a trail that we have been using since I was a kid without their help. I run it anyways and am yelled at all the time. All those folks that sit on their butts all day and work hard to "enable" others to get out, need to get out of the way of those who already are.

From Jon on Sat, May 11, 2013 at 12:38:58 from

[insert anti-government libertarian rant here]

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