Very nice day today. It rained a lot in the early hours which is always appreciated. Had several positive interactions with students which always leaves me feeling good. I have a couple book recommendations... Running and Being by Dr. George Sheehan. This is a classic of the first running boom in the 1970s and is back in print for the first time in several years. I saw several copies at my local B&N yesterday on the shelf amongst the many crappy running books out these days. Dr. Sheehan was a first rate thinker who I think was able to capture what this sport means to those of us who pursue it in a certain way. If you are the type of person who can occasionally be accused of putting running ahead of God, country, career, and family, this book is for you. My only criticism of Sheehan is that he frequently over quotes the ideas of other thinkers and philosophers when I think his own ideas are superior. If I want to know what William James or Ralph Waldo Emerson think, I'll read their books. Hanson's Marathon Method by, obviously, the Hanson's. I found this to be a welcome departure from many other marathon training books mostly because it's grounded in common sense and ideas that have been proven to help lots of top marathoners exceed what was thought to be their potential. It's grounded in science without being too technical They also have a straight forward and opinionated style that I appreciate. Plan on an easy run plus a few striders with my buddy Steve Anderson today.