AM: Weedon Island Parkrun (WIP) 5k. 16:12, although at the last minute I did decide I felt like trying for the record again. I suppose out of habit of trying. Came through 4k on pace to tie it, but just did not have it. Mindset is everything I suppose. I was able to coerce a couple of friends out of the woodwork to join me at the event, so it was nice to see them attend. I really don't understand why more don't attend the parkrun- it's literally free.
I'm split on shooting up to Clermont next weekend. I theoretically should just get some decent mileage in and stick to WIP on Saturday. I think that's the most logical thing with the race season starting the next weekend. However, wasting the only normal-weather month in Florida is just such a shame.... we'll see I guess.