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Week starting Nov 11, 2007

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Member Since:

May 21, 2007



Goal Type:

Recover From Injury

Running Accomplishments:

Did a half a few years ago, unsure of my time but nothing to write home about. I trained about 6 months and then took about 2yrs. off. Started running again this year but have never done anything serious.

Short-Term Running Goals:

keep running, stay fit and healthy, while having fun. Would like to get my mileage up to 25 miles a week and plan some short races when I get confident with my speed.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Get my mileage back up and run pain free!

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Another beautiful afternoon for running! ( I really don't know what I'm gonna do when these end!) I wore my new running shoes and they really felt good. I tried to incorperate some of the suggestions I recieved at the Runners Corner from Hawk and it felt good too, but I just stuck to kinda doing it in strides. I felt tired towards the end, but my weekend was all messed up eating and sleeping and I'm running after the night shift so I think it's just that stuff, oh and Monday! I know that it's too soon to tell, and it could be due to low mileage at the end of last week and Sunday off, but the hip really feels good post run today. My foot doesn't feel too bad either! I would like to hope the shoes are going to help and I don't think there is anything wrong with being a little optomistic either so I'm hoping it is going to be a good thing!!!

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Ran in shorts and t-shirt again today in the afternoon! Who would have ever thought that one week before thanksgiving that would be happening, sure feels nice! My run today felt hard, about a 9/10 on a hard scale. I'm not sure why either. I felt like I did push myself, but the time didn't show it (DARN!!) One of the other problems was I got ssssooo thirsty! I don't know what is up with that, I almost cut it short just to get a drink. Maybe I'm a little behind on fluids and it's just showing up in the runs? My hip did start to hurt around the last mile, (darn again..) but not to bad and I'm icing everything down good following the runs and several times inbetween. I was thinking about when I ran consistently a few years ago and never had this problem, I was going to the gym regularly so maybe a little leg/hip work to increase the tone around that area would help out the hip? Definatley worth a try!

I got my maid back! Well it's really just me, but I got some good cleaning in today and I'm not going to quit till it feels like the place shines!!! That is after I work, sleep and then run tonight and tomorrow, then back to the scrubbing, sometimes that feels sooo nice!!

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Wasn't sure I would even get out today, but sure glad that I did. Run felt really good. It was rather cool, hands and arms got pretty cold, but I think that the cooler temp. helped with everthing feeling so smooth. I did 3.87 by myself and then picked up Callzee for one mile and then did another little by myself. Came home feeling energized instead of dead like the the last couple of runs, this did alot for the mental end of my running which was definatly needed! I've also decided that I would start adding some strengh training for the hip flexors and legs, that may help with the hip by increasing the muscle and tone to decrease movement and irritation there. Can't say it will help but I'm willing to give it a try!

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I've posted on the forum, but I'll put a little blurb here too! I signed up the team under Fastrunning bloggers anonymous. Just go to the Moab half site and then to registration and look under teams (I guess) There are ONLY 6 people per team so we will probably need more than one, so lets get this one going!!!

I went running with Kara today. These are a little more of a tempo run for me, which is good helps me keep a more consistant pace. My ipod for some reason won't download the run for today so all I have is the avg. time which was 9:34 for 2.86 miles. Kinda a shorter run, we got a late start today. I'll have to get out and do some more later this evening, (when it's a little warmer) to bring up the mileage for the day. Nice run though, a little challenging on the hill towards home but other than that it felt fine, then I started to fall back a little!

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I'm really excitted about my run today. I didn't go first off this morning because I wanted to wait till it got a little warmer outside. But then as always when I put it off I find myself talking myself out of going. Well somewhere inside the running me found myself in running shoes and out the door! I think I waited till it was almost to warm because instantly I was warm, but I got going and things felt pretty good, not great but good. I knew that in order to meet my weekly goal, because I was a slacker yesterday that I would have to do 5 miles today and then 6 tomorrow or the other way around. I was leaning to the 5 today, but when I was headed towards home it I realized that I could split and do 5.5 each (duh!) But anyways... I hit a ever so slighty down hill section (when I'm going up it, it doesn't seem ever so slighty uphill, but what ever?) I was feeling pretty good and decided to push it a little. When I got to the end of the road I was around 9:00 per mile (that's fast for me) So I backed of shortly after and recovered a bit and then pushed again. By that time I was to my house and pretty thirsty and ready to quite around 5 miles. I decided to get a fast drink out of the hose and at least hit 5.5. The water helped a ton and I kept going and found myself pushing it on the same section as before. When I got home to my surprise I had been doing pretty well the whole time and my times went like this 9:21, 9:23, 9:41, 9:30, 9:46, 9:39 avg. time 9:33. I know that's nothing to brag about but for me that's pretty good! But the best is yet to come....(DRUM ROLL) NO ... hip pain or PF pain the whole run!!!! I don't know what the difference is but I'll take it! I haven't ran 6 miles pain free for months!! I'm pretty thrilled! If I can eliminate pain I think that I can start to push myself a little more! I'm really thinking the new shoes must be helping but because things have been so irritated in there that it's taking some time to heal up (I HOPE!!!) But I'm icing right now and going to do some leg work outs next. Maybe I'll even feel like doing 6 again tomorrow!!! Happy running and Happy weekend!!!!

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Well I did it!!! First time that I've hit 30 miles in a week since mid October. Maybe that's why things have felt a little bit hard this week (duh). I didn't think it had been that long since I've had a good running week, I guess the body is entitled to rebel a little. Todays theme was "running on emotion." Last night was also the first night that I've had a husband and all kids home on Friday night since late Aug. (Not including Hawaii, but that's not the same.) The girls all were in seperate directions and Ted and I went to dinner but it was sooo nice to just hang out as they came and went and have a chance to just talk with them and each other! We stayed up way too late, till 12:00 waiting for the oldest to come home, and then talked with her till around 1:00. She will be leaving for college in Jan. and although is an adult and very independant has a hard time with some of the house expectaions. (You know that old show Growing Pains? I used to love to watch it... and now I realize how well the title fit!) I know it must be as hard on her as it is us! Then I read Lulu's "Thankful list" on the forum before I headed out today and I felt so bad that she would be leaving us so soon! Well we talked about all the things that we wanted to do today, that currently aren't getting done, so I'm off to get started!!!

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