Did not sleep very well last night, but I still got up and ran before work!! That is a huge accomplishment for me considering the way I have been lately. I fiddled around a bit too much but got out the door at 5:15 am that just leaves me around 45 minutes to run. It was a pretty good run I think my AP was 9:20 so that is good, but my left heel was still buggy. I iced it at work and I will do it some more before bed. I was planning on going to the gym after work and doing some weights and a bit more running... but I had to drop of a doll to my sisters that I finished. She sews costumes for me. Anyway her daughter is in rehab and her husband is also having trouble. (The husband is nothing new, but the daughter in rehab is) she has been watching her grandkids and I knew she was stressed... so I ended up listening to her for too long and didn't get to the gym. I knew after about 10 minutes when she followed me out to the car and stood in the heat for another 5 minutes that I was going to be there for a while. But I guess she needed to vent a bit and have someone to listen to her. I love my sister very much... I get very sad when I see what is happening with her family. Tomorrow I'm rock climbing after work again... so I guess that will be a bit of strenghth training right?