RHR 43. What's with that? Couldn't believe it, so tried again and got the same thing. Maybe I was in the process of dying. The right achilles and left IT band were sore last night, so did a lot of massage and rolling. I went to the gym this morning and did 30 minutes on the stationary bike and then 5 minutes in the hot tub with the jets on the achilles. Going to do another 30-60 minutes on the bike this afternoon and then sit in the hot tub for a while hitting all the joints and aches. I think I will also set up appointments with the chiropractor and my massage therapist this week to try and get healing going. Tomorrow is a recovery day - I think I will swim and do water running to have another non-impact day. PM - 50 minutes again on the stationary bike. Then I went to Leslie Peterson's and she gave me an awesome & wicked massage focusing on the legs. Lots of pain when she hit the IT Band and Piriformis in the left leg and the Achilles Tendon and Hamstring insertion in the right leg. Thanks, Les!