
September 2010

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Idaho Falls,Id,United States

Member Since:

Feb 09, 2010



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Running Accomplishments:

PR  St George Marathon 2013   3:13:06

PR  Just Cuz Half Marathon   2011   1:30:57

PR  Firecracker 5k  2011   20:41

PR  Bone & Back 40 mile Ultra  2013   6:03:39

PR  5 hour Ultra Run 33.94 miles

PR 100K  River of no Return  14:00:20

PR  108K  River of no Return  16:15:01

PR 100 miles  Buffalo run 100 miles  21:08:50  2015

PR 50K  Wilson Creek 50K  6:36:44


37 Marathons and Ultra Marathons


Short-Term Running Goals:




Married to Mauri Ordway, and we have 4 kids

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4:30 run this morning around the greenbelt this morning twice, my legs sure did not want to move this morning.  Had that ITB thing going on, i wish it would just go away, cut the run short at 4.50 mile

Stretched at work over lunch

Very windy this afternoon and did not feel like fighting the wind for this afternoons run so i desided to run at the gym on a treadmill,  3 easy miles

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7 miles around the greenbelt, IT felt fine, and ran at a very easy pace,wore a layer of worm ware and it helped to keep my leges warm

































7 miles around the greenbelt, just nice and easy run. wore a layer of sweat paints and it helped alot to keep my legs warmer.

4 mile run around the greenbelt again nice and slow.












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7.50 miles  at 4:30 this morning---this morning i found out what has been giving my left ITB all this fuss for the last 1 1/2 mo.  I like to run the greenbelt in the morning, The water, trees, and ok lights,  and i have always (always) ran in the same direction that is clockwise around the greenbelt.  This morning i started out and again the IT issue again like always, so i stopped to try and work it out an stuff and it dawned on my as to the slope on the road and sidewalks.  Running clockwise the slope is from left to right  and that maybe that may be what is giving me all the trouble, and started to go the other way around  and now slope is from right to left to see if it made any differance.  DAMN----ITB issue gone, i still felt it slightly only because it was sore before i turned around,  payed attention to the amount of % the loop had if i was going clockwise and it was a better part of 70% from left to right.  The left leg was hitting the ground higher then the right witch was the cause of all the problems. The last 5 miles was like i was running again and the lst 2 at MP  (very nice) try running after work.

5 miles after work with no issues with the ITB, just a nice and easy run, a little warm but no issues  

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7 mile run on the Salmon river, a very nice run a little breeze but very nice.  There is alot of game down here and its the first time i have got to run by big horn sheep that was standing on the road   No Kidding  i just ran by them,  at first i stopped about 100 yards to see if they were going to move and they didn't so i just keep going,  how cool is that.  At the river i have drove by them and they have walked by me as i have been fishing but i have never got to run by them before,  a little nervous thinking that they were going to run after me!!!  How cool is that,  Not all runners can say that they ran by big horn sheep!!!!

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Cool morning, but nice and sunny.  Parked by the bathrooms on the Greenbelt and ran one loop around the Belt and headed out to Snake River Landing and did one loop around it and back to the Greenbelt for 2 more loops around it. Very Very nice run this morning, no real IT issues and was pacing at a 9:00 to 9:20 and felt very comfortable. Have been using my heart monitor on my runs  and today i stayed at 77% to 79% and was running at about my marathon pace.  (must be doing something right)

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7.0 mile easy run around the greenbelt at a 9:30 pace, very cool 35* morning

Fartlek run this evening, 1 mile warmup and then 5 pick ups in 24 min at a 7:00 min mile and a 1.25 mile cool down, nice workout.

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Easy run this morning up and down the SRL, what a good lighting storm this morning.  Didn't get an afternoon run in leg were just a little tired.

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7.25 miles this morning around the Greenbelt, It took a couple of miles to get warmed up, just an easy 9:30 pace.

8 mile Cruise intervals this afternoon-- 5 x 6 min intervals  1.25 mile warm up, all 5 intervals were at an 8:00 to an 8:15 pace with a 5 min cool down between , and a 1 mile cool down at the end  1:12:13 

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7 miles this morning around the greenbelt, pace between 9:10 to 9:20  Cool and windy morning

4 miles up and down the SRL  windy afternoon, hope for a nice weekend to get a good long run in.  Now a shower and off to Famous Dave's BBQ  (OH YA)

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Day off today,  going to go and sit in our hot tub this morning and do some stretches and then mow the lawn.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!

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What an AWSOME day for a run!!!!!  16.50 miles from John's Hole bridge to sunnyside bridge twice and one more time around the Greenbelt in a time of 2:32:48 at a 9:14 pace. Nice and easy run that was just a couple of seconds off my marathon pace. Now to have a great day with my wife and kids.

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5 very easy miles, a little under the weather today  We will see what tomorrow will bring.

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7.25 mile run at 4:30 this morning,  still not feeling so good  but had a good run considering.  (9:30 pace)

Tempo run this afternoon,  1.25 mile warmup at a 9:30 pace,  2.50 mile tempo run a an 8:00--to --8:10 pace, and a 1.25 mile cool down

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7 miles this morning at 5 am, sluggish run this morning, i think i get into this slow sluggish run and it make it to be a harder run than if i was to hold a marathon pace.

Much better run this afternoon, 4 mile run at a 9:00 min. mile felt much better .

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7 mile SRL run, ran into Jeff this morning and gave me some good advice like always, and ran with him for a short distance and it did not take me to long to find out that i was going to fast and he was going to slow,so i had to let him go  (lol) Jeff is a good guy and very helpful, you don't come across many like that.

Very easy run in the morning, not sure how far but i have an appt. with Steffany L. to get my ITB worked on and this nagging hip.

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4 very easy miles this morning, went to performance therapy yesterday to get aworked on and i was glad i did asthings were tight and needed ajusted, she did a great job!!! Just taking it slow a couple of days before i get back on it again.

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4.5 easy miles around the greenbelt, taken a couple off days to get the hips to loosen up --hot tub-- stretching and more stretching, hips were much better today and am going to work up the miles slowly as the week goes on, but not to much.

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7.50 miles  country roads oround our house, a very nice evening to run, my left hip was tight for the first mile but worked out and things were fine after that.  9:30 a mile pace and it was an up hill down hill run.

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At the start of the run, my hips were tight again but by 1.50 miles they had loosen up and were fin after that. Just need to take it easy if they are not feeling so well and i still should be ok for the COT marathon.  Set an appt. for next Thurs. with an Orthopedic to just get looked at and to make sure things will be alright.

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Progressive run around the Greenbelt,  9:30-9:20-9:10-9:00-8:50-8:40 and the last .50 miles at a 10:00.  Hips was a little tight but worked out in the first 1/2 mile, a good run for me as i needed a good one as i have been i a slump lately with all this tightness in my legs and hips. Had to cut back on the two runs a day and focus on more stretching.

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4 miles in 36:10,  nothing long today but a very nice run  on a beutiful day. Long run tommorow morning

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What a great run on an awsome day, hips felt good, legs felt good, and did not have to work to hard to keep the pace i was looking for.  Two weeks till COT and i am finally feeling like i am back on track again.  Stretching and more stretching has been the key.  16.25 miles felt good that i was going to go for more but decided that it was good thing to stop and be very happy with what i got. Hope every one has a good week, and good luck to all the St. George Marathon runners.

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7 mile recovery run on an awsome evening around the Greenbelt 9:30 pace

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Cruise Inter.  around the Greenbelt this evening.  3x5 an 8:09 pace on the pick ups.

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4.60 easy miles around the Greenbelt on an awsome evening. Went to the doc this afternoon just to get my hip look at and they took X-rays and saw nothing wrong but set up an MRI for next week just to make sure.  Hip felt fine on the runs this week but it sure keeps me up at night with just a nagging pain all night long.

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