119 miles for the month! A new record by over 12 miles.
2.85 Miles early this morning run Christine. 9:56 ave. pace. I felt extremely sluggish--like I was running 9:00 effort, but just couldn't seem to...wade through the molasses or whatever. 2.55 Miles tonight in the rain. REALLY sluggish. And my knee is not happy. Part of this sluggishness is that I was up too late last night, I'm sure. I got all excited about this mopping robot I read about. I want one sooo bad!!! I HATE mopping. Mopping is my least favorite job of all time, other than scrubbing the inside of toilets. Blech. I guess that doesn't really explain why I was up late, but I was doing all this research on the internet, and of course, trying to find a good deal on one on Craig's List or ebay or something. I am STILL very excited about it. Just picture it! After dinner I'll 1.) Let my dog Sparky in to eat the big stuff off the floor* 2.) Then I'll turn on my mopping robot to get the smears and, of course, the dog slobber. He he he. Now I want someone to invent a shower cleaning robot and I'll be all set. This is what it looks like: I'll probably run again tonight to get to 5. * My kids don't get their calories from actually ingesting their food, so much as just flinging it around. They probably absorb some of the nutrients through skin contact or something. Hence the extreme need for moppage, and the ensuing mop burnout, experienced by many beginning runners--or at least one.