I rocked this run, compared to yesterdays abysmal dragging a dead horse day. Today's AP is 10:03 and that includes my uphill miles. Mile 6 was flat and so I tried to run a 9:00 mile and ended up dry heaving for like a half a mile after (can you believe that? over a 9 minute mile?? I can't, I'm disgusted). But overall, I kicked out a bunch of 9:30' and 10:00s (I'm at work now and don't have my splits. I may add them in later). That's better than the 11:00's of winter. This run felt good in spite of the fact I overestimated my distance up the canyon and had to run 8 instead of 7. Today success is owed to the following factors: 1) it was 65 degrees outside 2) I feel mostly recovered and only a little sick/nauseated but no migrane 3) The 20 kneeling squats I do a day are starting to strengthen my glues/hams. I only half fell like I'll fall down if I try a sprint. |