I ran my first marathon as a teenager in 1981 with my Dad (The Coronado Marathon). Since then I've run St, George (3x) Utah Valley (3x) Ogden (1 full, 2 halves) Park City (1 x) Boston Marathon (1x) Washington DC (1x) Moab Half Marathon (6x) ,Ye Old Freedom Festival 5 & 10K (a million x) and many others.
But I'm all done with that now. I'm officially a jogger.
Ran the 4.5 temple loop slowly and carefully. My intestines feel firmly stitched back into my abdomen. though I can feel they have been reassigned a new location. That was a strange feeling. I pulled out the 100% dead Garmin and charged it to 23% it died at 3.1 miles reporting an AP of 10:18 which was faster than I thought I was going. I finished that up with relative ease and then walk jogged the dogs around the cemetery. My knees ached later in the day with the all-at-once miles and the rain.
Did a treadmill run. Skipped yesterday had a migraine so bad I could not see and it lasted until this morning. Thankfully I only get about 1-2 a year. And normally they only last a few hours. Felt like I was having a stroke. I felt good today, little sore around my belly button. I can't wait to get back to sit ups and push ups. Not quite there yet.
I did 4 10 m/m and 2 12 m/m while finishing Full Metal Jacket. This was my 4th movie about the Vietnam War in the past 2 week. I think I'm done for now. But Full Metal Jacket was important because after watching it in 1987, 3 of my best friends in San Diego joined the Marines.