I spent 7.5 miles 'at the movies'. Watched 'Yes Man'. Jim Carey is such a great performer, it was cute, was a positive message, and made the run easier. It's kind of funny though to watch a movie at 6:00 in the morning. Why is that? I've amped up my sit ups routine from 200-300 and my ribs are sore! Last year I started that 100 push ups-in-a-row program. But there was no way I could get past 60 without stopping for a long time in between reps. This year, I'm thinking of joining runeveryday.com You have to run at least one mile every day of your life, for the rest of your life. After you've done it for a year you can sign up. The idea of doing something small but active, every single day of my life really appeals to me. I've shared this idea around with a few friends in my neighborhood who I think could use a little help in the 'get moving' department. I got a report back that one of them has been doing it now for 5 days. Sometimes it takes a small, do-able challenge to get you going. I'm into that. I'm all about baby steps (this message brought to you by: what About Bob). |