I got out late. Didn't get to bed till 1 a.m. because my girl made varsity soccer (a year early!), and stayed out late partying with her new teammates. It was a huge achievement. The girls soccer program is insanely competitive. But she is a rock-solid defender, and a fast runner with amazing instincts. So they made the right choice and I was glad for her. I saw Sasha pushing the double stroller this morning. I've never seen him push the stroller before. I have a special place in my heart for dad's and jogger strollers. I had double jogger-stroller from 1997-2005 to the point I had over 100 lbs of children and their feet were longer than could be supported by the foot rest. My poor children. I dragged them out of bed early every single day (still wearing pajamas and wrapped in blankets) and let them finish sleeping (in the stroller) while I ran. I remember always thinking "as soon as I don't have to push this stroller, I am going to run so fast!" and I did, for a few years after. I used to get a lot of looks; particularly when my oldest looked like a caged giant in the seat. That was a great stroller, and for as streamlined and lightweight as it was--it had pretty good suspension. I finally sold it in 2007 for nearly what I bought it for. I kept that thing oiled, clean and in perfect shape. It was my life-line to the outside world and practically kept me sane/alive.