7 miles with Merri and Lynsey today. We ran the river trail twice and it was nice. The weather was perfect. I am really disliking all the haze from the fire in Southern Utah. It's blowing it all this way. I'd rather see the scorching sun I think. I think I'm going to try and run 9-10 tomorrow. :)
8 miles very early this morning with Merri. We run slower when it's dark- but it's ok. It's better than getting a sprained ankle or falling in a pot hole :) We ran around a bunch of farms, around ALA, on main street where our niehgbor Larry harassed us. Good times yeah!
I ran with the girls this morning at 5:30 for 6 miles. I continued to run for about two more miles for 8 all together. I am so glad that time goes by fast when you are running with someone. it's such help and a relief!
8 miles this morning at the gym. I drove past the Spanish Fork half and 5k finish line. It made me kind of sad that I didn't do either. Oh well.... next time