Wow. I had a great tempo run 4 pm! I slept in this morning. I have no recollection of turning off my alarm this morning. I woke up when Shawn was leaving to work at 6:50. To late for a run. I was up late last night after a girls night out. I had fun. At least I still got my run in today, even if it's later in the day-which I don't prefer. Everybody knows that morning runs are the best! My splits: Mile 1- 8:35 Mile 2- 8:05 Mile 3- 7.17 Mile 4- 7.13 Mile 5- 7.03 Mile 6- 6.38 Mile .62 3: 52 Rock on my peeps on the FRB! Merri -Lynsey, we'll be seeing you in the morning at 5 am sharp in front -o- my house!