I was feeling a bit tired and aching starting off this morning, so I decided not to do the hills today and run the Kohler's Loop instead (the uphills and downhills are mostly very gradual). After a couple of miles my legs felt pretty good so I starting picking up the pace, especially after I spotted another runner ahead of me running on the opposite side of the road. I caught and passed him without too much trouble and just kept up the same pace after turning east and heading towards the mouth of American Fork Canyon. After turning at the light I spotted a couple of runners about a half mile away. At first I couldn't tell which direction they were running, but when I determined they were going in the same direction I took off to see if I could catch them. By the time I reached the high school I had closed about half the distance, but would have to hurry to catch them before I made the turn to head home. As I was closing in they turned in the funeral home and stopped. It must have been the Warenski's that live there. I kept running hard until I reached the seven mile mark and then slowed a bit for the final mile. Felt pretty good afterwards. |