Outdoor Track- Qualify for NCAA nationals in the steeplechase;
3:45 (1500); 8:40 (3k steeple); 14:00 (5k)
Long-Term Running Goals:
See how long my knees hold up after collegiate running
Grew up in St. George, UT where I ran at Desert Hills High School from 2012-2015. I spent the next 2 years in Rancagua, Chile as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Senior and member of the men's track and cross country teams at Utah Valley University. President/Founder of Mongoose Elite.
3 in the morning to the bridge. 400m repeats at Bloomington Hills Park in the afternoon w/ equal recovery. I felt pretty good, they were pretty fast today so it was a good push.
3 in the morning to Hidden Valley. In the afternoon we went over to Pine View to do a 2 mile race. It was a pretty good course and it felt like it was over pretty fast. There was a pretty good pack for the first mile (around 5:05 I think) and then it started to thin out. I can't remember my time but I think it was 10:34 or around there. It wasn't my best race but it wasn't bad. It was good to get a race in before Nike next week so I'll feel more prepared.
Drove up to Sandy yesterday after the race to come watch my sister run in the Mountain Regionals in Ogden. Did 6 miles in the morning around my grandma's house and got kind of lost so I had to call my mom and have her come pick me up. I ended up being less than a quarter of a mile away from her house so it was pretty funny. Another 3 miles in the afternoon running around and watching the races. It was pretty sweet to watch all of those guys race. Got my picture with Kennedy Kithuka so that was pretty sweet too!
7 miles this morning around my grandma's house. 3 mile warm up then a 2 mile tempo (5:45, 5:35) then a 2 mile cool down. It went well, I didn't get lost this time so that was good! Calves were really tight on the cool down though.