Outdoor Track- Qualify for NCAA nationals in the steeplechase;
3:45 (1500); 8:40 (3k steeple); 14:00 (5k)
Long-Term Running Goals:
See how long my knees hold up after collegiate running
Grew up in St. George, UT where I ran at Desert Hills High School from 2012-2015. I spent the next 2 years in Rancagua, Chile as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Senior and member of the men's track and cross country teams at Utah Valley University. President/Founder of Mongoose Elite.
3 in the morning to Hidden Valley. 800m repeats at the region course in the aftrnoon. A lot harder than I thought it was going to be. My hip still hurt a little on the cool down but during the repeats it was fine.
3 in the morning to The Spectrum. 6 total in the afternoon, we warmed up then just did some pick-ups, nothing too fast just getting the legs going a bit. Cooled down afterwards.
3 in the morning to Hidden Valley. .5 mile warm up then an easy 4 out on the trails followed by some 200m finishes. My hip was feeling a lot better today so that's a major plus.
3 in the morning to the bridge. In the afternoon we did total (2 mile warmu up, 200m hard w/equal recovery, 400m hard w/equal recovery, 800m hard w/400m recovery, 800m hard w/400 recovery, 400m hard w/200m recovery, 200m hard, 1 mile cool down).