Ran 30 minutes with Ellie, addi and Martha. Twas a good last run. I'm so bummed cuz I was starting to feel good about running right when then the stupid wisdom teeth had to come out. It was quite eventful. I started screaming when they took mine out and yelling that it hurt a lot. And then Ellie almost died. She started throwing up and choking and couldn't breathe so my dad was tryin to help her breathe And I had to run up the stairs to get the doctor when I was still sadated and I was seeing triple. So who knows how I even got up there ok. But I did. But it ended up ok and we are both alive and my mouth doesn't hurt yet. my tongue has been numb for 9 hours. And I can't sleep cuz I took a nap. Ellie's recovery will be worse than mine cuz her wisdom teeth were a lot more formed than mine. Mine were barely there. The end