AM: 1 mile on the treadmill, averaged 10:35. HR 119.
Charlie was vomiting at school, so I went to pick him up. I did some strength stuff while he rested on the couch. He ended up being fine.
Did a re-introduction workout. I have been reading a lot about off-season weightlifting. I need to do more strength and mobility stuff, especially as I near 40. I imagine it will help tremendously with my running, which seems to be so up and down I don't know where it is going.
Static split squats (10 x each side); body weight squat (x10); shoulder plank taps (x15ish); glute hamstring march (10 x each); glute bridges on the medicine ball (x10); weight bench leg raises;
I did some light hip stretching between; 5 pullups and 15 pushups