AM: Flourtown Tempo Loop - 20 miles, averaged 7:03
Did 5 up, 10 progressive tempo, 5 down
10-mile tempo in 63:02 (6:18 pace)
6:28, 6:27, 6:22, 6:22, 6:20, 6:13, 6:14, 6:15, 6:11, 6:10
I couldn't get the legs turning over to start, but I was pretty releaxed and my breathing was good. Worked my way down and tried to stay patient and focus. The last two weeks my focus has been everywhere and it is tough to focus on my running while I am in the moment. The last part of the last mile I was out of the zone a bit.
Not as fast as my 62 minute 10 mile tempo a few weeks ago but overall run pace was faster and I have more mileage in my legs. This is still very close to 6:15 goal pace and last year most of my 8 mile tempos duing mid-week medium long runs were a few seconds slower than actual marathon pace last year.
I didn't get a full night's sleep last night, but I think I can fit a nap in after teaching this afternoon and whatever fun the evening holds for work.