AM: 9.4 miles, averaged 9:35. HR 152.
90' run w/ 75' HR-based progression
Changed my watch settings a bit, so I could reorient my workouts a bit. It worked out quite well. Fairly cool, but quite humid. Felt strong at the end. Paces were disappointingly slow, but the effort was good.
This week's workout was:
10' each @ 115 BPM, 125 BPM, 135 BPM, 145 BPM, 155 BPM, 165 BPM, 175 BPM
5' @ 180-185 BPM
15' cool down.
The 5' section was only 7' pace. I was hoping it was closer to 6:30 pace or faster as I ripped off a 6:20 mile last week. I think I was low on water as I was sweating a ton.
I will modify each midweek workout slighly to increase the time working around the 165 BPM range, which is roughly marathon effort for me (or apparently a 6-hour bike effort!). I think I will do something similar with my weekend long runs so that I am starting appropriately slow, but then putting in some work without killing myself.