AM: 13.8 miles, averaged 8:41. HR 158.
120' w/ 60' Steady
30' up/down. 7:54 pace @ 167 BPM. Decently humid, but it always is in the morning. Fairly favorable for July. Did this on my long run route I have been working on off and on this summer. Worked out fairly well. I lost 7.5 lbs of water weight.
Wore compression socks after the run and during my nap and for the early afternoon for the first time since pre-2020. It felt good to stablize the muscles as my legs were tired/worked over. Not sore, just not used to steadier miles during 2 hours. You could do worse than a 2 hour long run with 60' at a quality aerobic effort (roughly marathon to aerobic theshold). Need to dig back through my entries to see what my 8-mile tempo HRs were back in the day.