AM: 12.4 miles, averaged 8:26. HR 153.
40' @ Half Marathon Effort
I was a bit nervous about this one given how last week went, but I did it on the longer safety path loop as that tends to be better for longer efforts. Ended up being a solid workout. Didn't take splits, but my watch told me there was a 7:03 mile in there, which is promising. Averaged 7:17 @ 166 BPM, so really most of it was actually marathon effort. I just didn't want to push too early and blow up. Started around 7:30ish for the first mile, that I do know. This was promising even though it doesn't look like much on paper. Tipping along. I imagine I won't be where I want to be by the second week in November, but I imagine I will be a lot fitter than I currently am. I am very much enjoying my running and training, so that's definitely A+ good.