2 mile warmup to State Street, then an 8.25 mile tempo out and back on route 231to just past Veteran' Memorial Parkway in 58:18 (7:04 pace) the first few miles of which are closed for repair. There's an implied sing that reads "Runner's Welcome." It basically gives me 2 lanes and a barrier away from cars for a good portion of the run. For now. 7:13, 7:14, 7:11: 6:49, 7:03, 6:48, 7:13, 7:01, 1:45 (7:02 pace) Walked a little bit then did 1.25 miles cooling down. Pretty happy with the workout after 10 miles yesterday afternoon.
For some reason my left leg hip area feels like it loses strength. I think its when I run at faster paces downhill (which I don't do much of). It's not lactic acid because I know what that feels like. I guess it just confirms what I have known all along: I have a weak rear. So as part of my regular core and strength exercises its HIPS AND GLUTES! HIPS AND GLUTES!