AM: 10.5 miles, averaged 8:37. HR 154.
30' @ Half Marathon Effort
30' up/30' down.
Kind of knew where the pace should be for the effort, so I ran with pace on and just peeped the HR here and there. I dug back through some data from previous races to check my memory of HME heart rate. I only had one decent set of data from Broad Street 2014, which was a 10 miler, but that is close enough. Data from Detroit half 2018 was junky in places but where it was on I could tell and that helped. Anyhoo, 7:17 pace @ 172 BPM. I haven't run that for half marathon pace since early 2012. Ho hum. This upcoming week it goes to 35' and the following to 40', which will likely be tough. Not sure how many minutes will be added the week after or if I will be on to something new.