AM: 9.9 miles, averaged 8:37. HR 161.
2 x 20'
Got up at a decent hour, but we had the HVAC system blown out, so I didn't get out until 10:30. Weather was decent. Air quality has been phenomenal. 20' warm up and then into 2 x 20' steady w/ 5' recovery jog, and 20' down. The intervals were a little more than "steady." Mostly in control, but the second one was probably a bit closer to what I would do for a 2 x 20' @ LT. Anyway, good workout. Left me a bit knackered on the cooldown. It has been a while since a running workout has done that, but I really haven't been doing workouts or very difficult workouts.
20' @ 7:24 HR 171
20' @ 7:31 HR 176