PM: 4+ hours. 152W. HR 157.
I got a call last night that they fixed the issue with my bike. I picked it up in the morning and decided to do Thursday Night Dirt.
It was pretty warm out. I started with A group and we started hard up Sheldon to grab a segment. That pretty much killed me as things continued to be quite fast. I got dropped before 31 Mile, which is the earliest I have been dropped. I waved off Frank to let him go (he got shelled hard too). I was bummed that I got killed, but knew I was still recovering from being sick and should have done B group. Ended up breaking off and heading north and then west toward home. High effort the whole time. Stopped in Metamora for a selection of drinks to get me home. I was a little ill when I got home, which I think was all the sugar from the Gatorade and the slushy Coke thing I drank.