AM: 8.3 miles, averaged 10:13. HR 123.
Didn't sleep well or much, but felt good for a recovery day. Ice pelting the window woke me up. I was going to head to the gym as the roads were rough in places, but the temp was coming up so I figured it was safer to drive later. With my Katoolas the footing was no problem. A thick layer of clustered sleet, so it wasn't smooth. Sidewalks on campus were very slippery. Students (and I) sliding everywhere. One student behind me fell.
PM: 6.6 miles in 65' on the treadmill. HR 127.
Did captain's chair and weights after. Pec Flys 3 x 15 @ 60#; Chest Press 3 x 12 @ 70#; Pull Downs 3 x 15 @ 75#; Seated Rows 4 x 15? @ 55#
Night: AIS and push-ups