AM: 73' on the trainer. 198W. HR 137.
I thought I could beat my numbers from the AI number from trainer road, but I was very humbled on this one. I thought I could put out 330-350 watts for 20' but I was promptly humbled when I went out through 5' and tried to keep pressing from 326 watts up, but then I just dropped over the last 15' to 306. I really wanted to quit, but I stuck it out and figured I would just finish it and get in a good workout. This dropped my FTP considerably. The 20' assessment is quite difficult to pace and I haven't done one in 4 years I think, mostly because they are so taxing and difficult to do well. I guess I shouldn't be surprised given that I haven't done much theshold stuff. 20' @ 306 @ 169 BPM. Still, I did 299 watts for 22' in a Zwift race, so this is pretty disappointing.
Much like my running, my endurance and general strength is decent but my speed and theshold stuff is pretty weak. After 4+ weeks at 15-16 hours of training per week, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Need to work in a recovery week.
PM: 8 miles, averaged 8:13. HR 148.
First steadier easy run in a few weeks. Effort, pace, and HR all coming together.