Workout in the canyon today. 12X400 with a 200m revovery. Target pace was 80. I got a bloody nose a little before, and I didn't have any toilet paper or anything to stop it, but I was okay. I ran with JoJo, but he dropped out after 5 intervals beacuse his knee was hurting too bad. We ran 78,81,79,80,81 for the first five intervals, then JoJo dropped out. I got a little excited and ran 71 for the next 3 intervals. I ran about 35 for the first 200 and then 36 for the last 200 for those quarters. Then I ran 72, after that my stomauch started hurting really badly so I slowed down to 78. The next quarter was 81. In the last interval I wanted to break 70 so I started out in 16, I couldn't hold the pace though and finished in 73. It was a good workout. Musclewise the 71's didn't feel too bad. It was a little hard on my lungs though.