Track workout today, 5X400 in 72 with a minute recovery. At least it was supposed to be a minute, we made the recoveries longer for most of them. The first one went well, JoJo and I ran 72, Dad ran 73, on the next interval JoJo didn't do so great, he fell back and was feeling pretty miserable. I ran 71.8. Dad ran 77 and had us do a 400 meter jog for our recovery. JoJo quit in the third interval and Dad ran the first 200. In the third and fourth I ran 71 highs, then in the last one I really pushed and ran 70 low. MoMo and Stevie ran some 200's. Stevie did all 5 and MoMo did 2 or 3. This workout wasn't easy but I felt strong and I was able to push through it.