It's my 15th birthday today! I ran a 2 mile tempo with Benjamin pacing. I was chasing William and MoMo. William got a 1:15 headstart and MoMo got a 1:45 headstart. The goal was to run 78's for the first mile then see what I could do for the last mile. We were right on pace through one mile, right around 5:12. I felt good, the pace felt pretty fast but not super hard. I slowed down a bit for the next 800, 79, then 78. I think we caught MoMo at 2000. He was having a hard time. I can't remember the split from 2400 to 2800, but with 400 to go I think I had 9:08. I had a good kick, 74 for the last 400. My time was 10:22. 14 second PR! I'm really happy I could run this! My splits by mile were 5:12, 5:10. I'm running the 3000 in Houston in a couple weeks. Hopefully in better conditions and a lower altitude I can crack 9:40.