2 mile tempo down the canyon, I ran with JoJo. Dad paced William who had a minute headstart on us. My goal was to run 5:20 for the first mile and see what I could do in the second. Our first 800 was good, we had 2:40. I felt good so I ran 77 for the next 400. JoJo fell back after that, he knee started acting up because I sped up. At the mile I had 5:17. I slowed down in the next 3 quarters and at 400 to go I was about 4 seconds behind 5:20 pace. I ran about a 36 to catch William and Dad with 200 to go. I kept that pace pretty well and finshed with 10:36. New PR by a second! Mile splits were 5:17, 5:19. It was good but I need to work on keeping pace from 2000 to 2800. William ran around 11:40