| Location: Brigham City,Ut,USA Member Since: Nov 01, 2013 Gender: Male Goal Type: Age Division Winner Running Accomplishments: Freshman Year
800 2:19
1 mile 4:57
2 mile 10:27
5k 18:10
Sophmore Year
800 2:12
1 mile 4:42
2 mile 10:09
5k 16:33
Junior Year
800 2:08
1600 4:35
3200 9:47
5k 16:11
3mile 16:17 Short-Term Running Goals: X-Country
Nike run under 16:00
Run a 2:00 in the 800
Run a 4:23 in the 1600
Run a 9:30 in the 3200 mile Long-Term Running Goals: Push myself mentally and physically Personal: Runner at Box Elder High School Favorite Blogs: |
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| | 12 miles today I felt so amazing I wanted to make sure to keep it fast, so I avg. a 6:32 I got 2 of my miles at a 6:24 6:25 I am really happy with being able to run that fast for that long. Especially since I ran from my house out to Honeyville and that route has a ton of hills it was super fun and different. My toe started hurting after a mile but then the pain would just go away so I am hoping it will just be fine and heal up.
| | Well today I went and ran with Hannah and Kelsey we did Highland again the girls route 7:27 was our avg. My toe started to hurt way bad I hope its just because its cold.
| | 10 miles today with Hannah she did some type off workout it was hard to breath but what ever its just the air and the cold.
| | 6 miles today. It was the first day back from my break it was kind of rough.
| | Well today I ran 4 miles it was super hot we averaged 7:09 so it felt pretty good.
| | Today I sent all the beginners on a 4-5 mile run and then someotheres went 6.5. So by the time Coleman and I got back they had all pretty much left. But anyways Coleman and I went 9 miles our average was a 7:18 felt pretty good and we ran on Highland then also extented out to the shady loop (which funning enough really bairly has any shade at all) it was just so stinken hot today.
| | Afternoon: Well Coleman Tanner Seth and I ran played basketball and ping-pong the whole day after Coleman and I ran 8 miles we ran down this new pathway in Willard, that is just like the pathway in the Davis area, it was super fun to run on our average pace was 7:22 it would have been faster but the wind was crazy.
Morning: I got up this morning and ran 4 miles my back and hips and quads killed. But whatever its just because its the first week back. average pace was 7:32 started out super slow though.
| | Well I went on a hike this morning we had to cut it short because it was starting to rain just in the canyon it was super weird. Then Coleman Seth and I ran 8 miles. My quads and my back killed again but there slowly getting better. Our average pace was a 7:20 we started out super slow and then started really negative splitting it. I felt really good I just need to get rid of these beginning pains and I'll be just fine.
| | I ran 11 miles today it was rough, but I am getting back into it. My average pace was 7:29, I am so happy I have a day off tomarrow so my body can rebuild itself and get my body set for next weeks training.
| | 10 miles today Coleman Cole and I ran on the trail that heads up to Ben Lomond we started in the North Ogden Pass it was crazy going up the trail was pretty washed out but it was super fun. Our average up was 10:00 but coming down we flew and we brought our average down to about a 7:50 it was so fun and the views were so amazing. I fell bad that I didn't go to x-country this morning but I had so much more fun going on this run.
| | 7 miles today, we ran out in Perry Desert (a.k.a green gate) I felt so crappy I didn't get enough sleep last night I just couldn't fall asleep it was so ridiculous. But I still got up and went to x-country the team seemed to be doing good we really need more people to be running more mileage than they are right now but what ever. Our average pace was 7:20. So I am happy with the run.
| | Well today I did 8 miles we ran out towards the Bird Refuge and then extended out father, our avg. pace was 7:03 I felt really good my second to last mile was a 6:25. My body a little tired though I really need to get back on a schedule.
| | Well today we did 8 miles average pace was 7:20 it was kind of rough the first mile was super slow my body just couldn't get moving.
| | 7 miles today with Tanner, I felt like crap. Average pace was 7:31.
| | 10 miles today I did it in the heat of the day but I ran by my coaches house and his wife offered a glass of water to me so that was a good thing because I was dieing. Also I just had no motivation today average pace was 7:19, hopefully this next week will be better.
| | Well 10 miles today we ran on the trail to Mantua it was actually pretty fun. The last 2 miles miles Coleman and i just let are legs go and we flew we ran a 5:59 for the 2nd to last mile and then Coleman asked if we could slow down a bit.
| | Well today was supost to be more of a recovery run but we just started running and I felt good so I just kept pushing avg. pace was 6:31.
| | 9 miles today avg. pace was 7:07 my knee hurt around mile 4.5 I felt like I could run faster but I needed a easy day since Ragnar is this weekend. Its going to be a blast!
| | 6 miles today I ran with Ellie and told her to not let me run faster than a 7:30. Which worked our average was a 7:39 perfect Ragnars tomarrow can't wait its going to be great. Then we had breakfeast with both teams it was fun I just don't know most of the kids.
| | 12 miles today felt good but also my body is tired.
| | Nice run today with Coleman up the Canyon towards Mantua.
| | Well today I had a 8mile progression run started out at a 6:50 - 7:00 for the first 3 miles and then dropped a lot the next 5 miles I got down to a 5:32 for the last mile felt super hard but good.
| | 5 miles today was super rough because I waited forever and hadn't eat anything for like 6 hours but what ever.
| | 8 miles today by myself it was a fun run I was able to think a lot about life so that was fun. I went out towards that Airport so it was a really flat run for the most part.
| | Well today I had a workout it was 6X800 with 2:00 min rest. This workout was hard because I did it by myself but it went good times went 2:27 2:28 2:29 2:30 2:30 2:24 these all would have been a little faster but there was a varsity football game going on so I had to run around people but whatever.
| | 6 miles super easy I did the Clark Anderson loop and then added on to my house because I needed to use the bathroom, I really need to stop drinking so much, but it was a good run.
| | Well today I had a workout, and since I am going to watch Hannah race in Reno I got out of school even earlier. But I had a 15min tempo I did 2.25 warm up and then a 2 mile cool down. I did my 15min tempo around the cemetery I covered 2.78 miles which was good my miles went 5:24 5:28 and then 4:08 for the last .78. I felt really good I mean I still and working on getting my legs to turn over.
| | Well so today was awesome I got to watch the Mountain West Conference race which was super lagit. But holy crap it was such a super hard course, it was by far the hardest course that I have ever seen. I didn't get to go running until like 9:30 at night though but whatever it was such a good day, and my sister did really good for it being her first offical race back this year.
| | Well today Rawlins wanted me to have a more upbeat run so thats what I did. It was kind of hard to get moving at first because of the 8 hours of driving home from Reno. But after .75 miles I was able to get moving I had a super hilly run which was awesome because I really was able to mentally push my self while physically pushing it I was also able to have 2 of the miles under 6 which made it that much better. I finally had the motivation and the time to do a (7, 8, 5mins) set of abs and then a arm workout to.
| | 9 miles today I ran the first 2 with Shaylee it was her first day back, I felt bad because I kind of killed her. Anyways after doing the 2mile loop with her I went and did a 7 mile loop. It was a super sweet run; I ran some places that I had never ran before so that was cool. I got a stomach ache after life 3 miles but I was able to push through the pain and not stop so that was good.
7mins, 8mins, 5mins of abs and then I did tegs
| | 8 miles today I did a 2mile warm up and then 6X3:00min pushes it was a rough workout just because of the wind and because of how cold it was. But I was able to push myself a lot and mentally battle the pain so that was good. I really need to be better at taking my easy days easy so I can have better workouts. Then Rawlins and I had a chat so that was fun, it was super nice to see that he has faith in me still even after the rough year that I have had.
8mins of abs after
| | 6miles nice and really slow 7:34 avg.
Did 7mins, 8mins, 5mins of abs and then did an arm workout.
| | Had a workout today I think I didn't do it right I think I was suppost to do 3 mile repeats but instead I only did two. But anyways miles went 5:16 then 5:10 only got 1:30 rest then went into 4 400s with 2min rest times went :70 :70 :69 :65 felt really good. I did a 2mile warm up and cool down.
8mins of abs
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