morning - 6.5 Parkway. Molly's Mile and then Parkway with some of the girls. Felt decent. Still a bit sore and surely not ready to rip out some tempo stuff, but not too bad. (Barefoot '10 61)(Landreth blue 354.25)
afternoon - weights; back into the weight room for 2 sets with very light weight (already sore, don't need to add to it) Pool Running - 20 minutes; wanted to run this afternoon, but decided this might be better. It felt good and didn't hurt at all; hopefully it worked a little more of the soreness out. Lap Swim - 5 minutes: after pool running I decided to swim. I am not a very good swimmer, but it is fun. For the first 3 minutes I felt like I had decent form, but then I quickly got tired and worked more on drowning - A long way to go before I could ever swim any sort of distance, but I think I'll keep working on it here and there.