AM - 11.25 Clyde's. Good run with Steven and the circle before we all head whoever for turkey day. Told the story of the hotel break in and had many other good chat including one about Stan the bus driver. Finished with an extra mile with Logan. (Kinvara silver 237.75)
afternoon - 5.5 Sego Lily. Nice late aternoon/evening run. Kind of just went with a "because I should get a double in and what else is there to do?" attitude, and it ended up being a great run. Didn't wear a watch or time it, but I am sure it would be the fastest I have ever run this loop. Got going up Sego Lily and realized I was really moving, and it just kept getting faster from there. Kind of fun. The guy I coach with (Vis) got me on to this book and it has some amazing things in it. Some that I already believe and practice, many I have thought about, and others that are just good logical extensions of those thoughts. It has really got me thinking about my running, my coaching and other aspects of my life. It is fun to think and work to improve. (Ronin 173.75)