AM - 10.25 Clyde's. Same solid run with the crew. Not quite as chilly out this morning - but still cold. (Rocket 514.5) afternoon - 10.25 Dirt Mile Tempo. Warmed up for 4 around the Parkway and then got into the tempo - going for 5:40. Felt like a junk bomb today. I am just tired and feel tight. The hip flexor/abductors are a bit sore and it takes a bit to get warmed up. The higher mileage is hard on the body. So I didn't know what to expect (again, this is how I've felt on ever tempo this cycle). Ran a 5:42, :41, :43, :44, and :41. Not bad, but just not quite what it should be. I kept telling myself that I can't accept being a few seconds over because a few seconds over/mile in a race quickly adds up to a minute plus. Ended up feeling okay, just a little lazy here and there that cost me. Progress - will keep working. Short cool down back homeland with the dog. (Last Ohana 386.75) |